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Review Regulations

Manuscripts, submitted to the editorial board of  ««Bulletin  of  Vladikavkaz Scientific Center», are handed over for reviewing to Dr. habil. whose  scientific specialization is closest to the subject of the article.

In  every single case the terms of reviewing are determined by the editorial board so that to provide for the speediest publication of the article.

The reviewing itself is confidential. The author of the reviewed work is suggested to get acquainted with the referee report.

Upon receiving a positive review the editorial board informs the author of the admission to publication.

If the opinion of  the reviewer is negative, the author is provided with the copy of  the referee report and is suggested either to finalize the article considering the critic’s remarks or to fully or partially controvert  them  using valid argumentation. Modified articles are handed over to the reviewer again. If the author and the referee do not reach a consensus, additional reviewing is conducted.

The decision on advisability of consequent publication of the article is taken by the editor in chief. In case of dismissal of the article the editorial board keeps one copy of the work and sends a substantiated refusal to the author.

Reviews are kept in the editorial board for no less than 5 years, their copies being sent to the RF Ministry of  Science and Education upon request if any.

Editor in chief.