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The 70 th anniversary of the Victory. Patriotic. Great. Sacred.


Carl Gustav Jung. Wotan


Glotova Т.А., Bekoeva М.Т.Paradigmatics in system lexical relations in modern Russian language (on the basis of synonyms’ research)

Abstract. The article deals with paradigmatics in system lexical relationsin modern Russian language. System relations are most notably explored on vocabulary level. The correlations among linguistic units which are based on common component are expressed in synonyms. The dictionaries of synonyms reflect the functioning and development of lexical system in modern Russian language. Synonyms are different in their shades of meaning, stylistic nuances, and perform a set of functions in language.
Key words: paradigm, synonymy, lexicography, system relations, compatibility.
1. Aleksandrova Z.E. Slovar' sinonimov russkogo yazyka.Izd-ie 11-oe pererab. i dopoln. – M: Izd-vo «Russkiy yazyk», 2001. 568 s.
2. Lingvisticheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' / Pod red. V.N.Yartsevoy. – M.: Sov. entsikl., 1990. 682 s.
3. Novyy ob''yasnitel'nyy slovar' sinonimov russkogo yazyka. Vtoroe izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe pod obshchim rukovodstvom akademika Yu.D. Apresyana. Izdatel'stvo Shkola «Yazyki slavyanskoy kul'tury». – M.: 2003. 1418 s.
4. Slovar' sinonimov russkogo yazyka / Pod obshchey redaktsiey prof. L.G. Babenko. – M.: AST, Astrel', 2011. 688 s. Dostup onlayn http://lib.rus.ec/b/446448/read

Zangieva F.T., Lihnenko S.V.Estimate of the yield and resistance to viral and fungal diseases in tubers of potato hybrid population

Abstract. This paper discusses about the development of new high-quality, high-yielding varieties of potato resistant to viral and fungal diseases. Studies were conducted in nurseries hybrids preliminary tests with combinations of 666 (Roko - Romano) and 667 (Bars × Adretta).
Keywords: starting material potatoes, hybrid, marketability, yield, viral and fungal diseases, hybrid population.
1. Bolieva Z.A., Doeva L.Yu., Tedeeva A.A., Dudarova L.M. Selektsiya kartofelya na fitoftoroustoychivost’ // Nauchnaya zhizn’, 2012. № 4. S.128–134.
2. Basiev S.S., Bolieva Z.A., Shorin P.M., Gerieva F.T., Dzgoev O.K., Sokolova L.B. Perspektivy selektsii kartofelya na osnove modelirovaniya novykh sortov dlya predgoriy Severo-Kavkazskogo regiona // Izvestiya GGAU. ‘T. 49. Ch. 1–2. 2012, S. 41–47.
3. Bolieva Z.A., Doeva L.Yu., Soldatova T.B., Draeva L.B., Batsazova T.M. Primenenie tseolitovykh glin dlya povysheniya produktivnosti i tovarnosti klubney kartofelya // Nauchnaya zhizn’, 2012. № 4. S. 15–17.
4. Bolieva Z. A., Doeva L. Yu., Likhnenko S. V. Otsenka kachestva klubneyotechestvennykh i zarubezhnykh sortov kartofelya v usloviyakh predgornoy zony RSO – Alaniya // Nauchnaya zhizn’, 2015. №1. S.70 –74.
5. Budin K.Z. Geneticheskie osnovy selektsii kartofelya. – L.:Agropromizdat, 1986. 190 s.
6. Bukasov S.M., Kameraz A.Ya. Selektsiya i semenovodstvo kartofelya. – L.: Kolos, 1972. S. 3.
7. Doeva L.Yu. Vliyanie biomeliorantov i udobreniy na plodorodie vyshchelochennogo chernozema i produktivnost’ kartofelya v lesostepnoy zone RSO-A // Avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata sel’skokhozyaystvennykh nauk // Gorskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet. – Vladikavkaz, 2006.
8. Doeva L.Yu., Mamiev D.M., Bolieva Z.A. Plodorodie pochvy i produktivnost’ kartofelya pri primenenii biomeliorantov i udobreniy v RSO-A // Plodorodie. 2010. № 3. S. 31–32.
9. Zykin A.G. Virusnye bolezni kartofelya – L. Kolos, 1976. – 152 s.
10. Kozaeva D.P., Basiev S.S., Bolieva Z.A., Shcherbinin A.N. Sortovye osobennosti i tekhnicheskie kachestva klubney kartofelya, opredelyayushchie ikh prigodnost’ k pererabotke // Izvestiya GGAU. T. 48. Ch. 1. 2011. S. 34-37.
11. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po tekhnologii selektsionnogo protsessa. - M.: VNIIKKh, 1980. – 38 s.
12. Metodika issledovaniy po kul’ture kartofelya. M.: VNIIKKh, 1967. – 263 s.
13. Shcherbinin A.N., Likhnenko S.V., Gerieva F.T., Miroshnikova E.S. Semenovodstvo i selektsiya kartofelya v gorakh i predgor’yakh Severnogo Kavkaza // Agrarnaya Rossiya. 2005. № 5. S. 22–24.


Ganoev O.K.On the way to the constitutional state: some problems of transformation

Abstract. The article examines some of the problems of state-legal transformations in contemporary Russia. Specifies the complexity and ambiguity of the transitional process. At the present stage it is difficult to determine whether the state took legal transformation / stops you? Include transform negative factors that slow down the transition to the rule of law. In this regard, the first time the author puts forward the most appropriate ways out of the transformation crisis. Built a model of political and legal space, which allows to respond to urgent questions: how to complete the transition process, what tools it requires that acts a barrier to the rule of law.

Keywords: rule of law, public-legal transformation of the political system, the institutionalization of a political regime reform, the process of transition.
1. Gel'man V.Ya. Rossiya v institutsional'noy lovushke // ProetContra. Tom 14. № 4–5. 2010.
2. Mikhaleva G.M. Rossiyskie politicheskie partii v kontekste transformatsiy. – M.: Librokom, 2009.
3. Sheri Berman How Democracies Emerge: Lessons from Europe // Journal of Democracy. Vol. 18. № 1. 2007
4. Khantington S. Zapad unikalen, no ne universalen // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. 1997. № 8.
5. Vedeneev Yu.A. Teoriya i praktika perekhodnykh protsessov v razvitii rossiyskoy gosudarstvennosti // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1995. № 1.
6. Administrativnye reformy v kontekste vlastnykh otnosheniy: Opyt postsotsialisticheskikh transformatsiy v sravnitel'noy perspektive / Pod red. A.N. Oleynika i O.V. Gaman-Golutvinoy. – M.: ROSSPEN, 2008.
7. Ageev G.V. Osobennosti sovremennogo etapa transformatsii politicheskoy sistemy Rossii // Vlast'. 2007. № 4.
8. Poslanie Putina V.V. Federal'nomu Sobraniyu RF // Rossiyskaya gazeta. № 4353. 27.04.2007.
9. Poslanie Putina V.V. Federal'nomu Sobraniyu RF //Rossiyskaya gazeta. № 86. 26.04.2005.
10. Chetvernin V.A. Demokraticheskoe konstitutsionnoe gosudarstvo. – M.: Nauka, 1993.
11. Kappelli O. Do-sovremennoe gosudarstvennoe stroitel'stvo v postsovetskoy Rossii // Prognozis. 2009. №1 (17)
12. Fukuyama F. Sil'noe gosudarstvo. – M.: AST, 2006.
13. Pastukhov V.B. Prosveshchennyy avtoritarizm i nezavisimost' suda (Vozrozhdenie konservativnoy utopii) // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. № 2. 2010. C. 14.
14. Rimskiy V.L. Strana posle kommunizma: gosudarstvennoe upravlenie v novoy Rossii. V 2 t. T 1. – M.: Institut prava i publichnoy politiki, 2004.
15. Gel'man V.Ya. Institutsional'noe stroitel'stvo i neformal'nye instituty v sovremennoy rossiyskoy politike // Polis. № 4. 2003.
16. Merkel' V., Kruassan A. Formal'nye i neformal'nye instituty v defektnykh demokratiyakh // Povoroty istorii. Postsotsialisticheskie transformatsii glazami nemetskikh issledovateley: v 2 t. T. 1. – SPb.; M.; Berlin. 2003.


Basaeva E.K., Kamenetsky E.S., Hosaeva Z.H.About L.N. Gumilev`s model of ethnogenesis

Abstract. In оrder to preserve the basic tenets of the Gumilev theory and avoid additional hypotheses about the causes of passionary push and change the number of passionaries in the process of development of ethnos, the assumption is made that the proportion of born passionaries are considered approximately constant, but in the process of development of ethnos they move from one activity to another.

Keywords: Gumilev's theory of ethnogenesis, the passion, the evolution of the ethnic system.
1. Gumilev L.N. Etnogenez i biosfera zemli. – M.: MIShEL' i K, 1993. 503 s.
2. Guts A.K. Global'naya etnosotsiologiya. – Omsk: OmGU, 1997. 212 s.
3. Sayfullin V.G. Passionarnost' kak odin iz vedushchikh faktorov politicheskoy dinamiki // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kul'turologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2012. № 8, Ch. 1. S. 177–180.
4. Turchin P.V. Istoricheskaya dinamika. Na puti k teoreticheskoy istorii. – M.: LKI, 2007. 368 s.
5. Malkov A.S., Malkov S.Yu. Matematicheskie metody v issledovanii zakonomernostey razvitiya obshchestva: modelirovanie evolyutsii etnicheskikh sistem // V kn. Turchin P.V. Istoricheskaya dinamika. Na puti k teoreticheskoy istorii. – M.: LKI, 2007. S. 328–338.


Chibirov А.L.Boundaries (to the 65 th anniversery of Prof. Dzidzoev)

Abstract. In Ossetia is widely celebrated 65 anniversary of the doctor of historical sciences, professor Valery DudarovichDzidzoyev. In article devoted to the hero of the anniversary it is told about life and activity of professor Dzidzoyev, his contribution to domestic science, domestic Caucasus studies, and also the general review of its main monographs is given. Keywords: Dzidzoev, Ossetia, Kaukasus, USSR.

Кhugaev I.S.Suleyman from Lesken: About the scientific, artistic and pedagogical heritage of S.B. Sabaev


Kulov А.R., Orlova A.G.Tendencies of recovery viticulture in Russia in the WTO

Abstract. The article deals with some economic problems, we are of the most important branch of agriculture - viti-culture, analyzes the dynamics of producer prices of grapes and its deviation in regions, revealed a continuing trend to reduce the area of new table grape varieties due to high production costs and operating at low customs duties on imported Grapes from the countries of Central Asia, the need to take urgent measures in the short term and developing a comprehensive program of state-governmental development of viticulture in the long recovery as a whole.

Keywords: price, cost, customs duty, growers, vineyard area, state support, state-state program
1. Gabeeva M.G. Finansovo-ekonomicheskoe regulirovanie APK (na primere Respubliki Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya). Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchen. st. k. e. n., VNIETUSKh. – M.: 2002. S. 41, 160 s.
2. Kosholkina L.A. Gosudarstvennaya podderzhka sel’skogo khozyaystva. Avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata ekonomicheskikh nauk. – M.: 2004. S.8.

Zangieva F.T., Lihnenko S.V.Estimate of the yield and resistance to viral and fungal diseases in tubers of potato hybrid population

Abstract. This paper discusses about the development of new high-quality, high-yielding varieties of potato resistant to viral and fungal diseases. Studies were conducted in nurseries hybrids preliminary tests with combinations of 666 (Roko - Romano) and 667 (Bars × Adretta).

Keywords: starting material potatoes, hybrid, marketability, yield, viral and fungal diseases, hybrid population.
1. Bolieva Z.A., Doeva L.Yu., Tedeeva A.A., Dudarova L.M. Selektsiya kartofelya na fitoftoroustoychivost’ // Nauchnaya zhizn’, 2012. № 4. S.128–134.
2. Basiev S.S., Bolieva Z.A., Shorin P.M., Gerieva F.T., Dzgoev O.K., Sokolova L.B. Perspektivy selektsii kartofelya na osnove modelirovaniya novykh sortov dlya predgoriy Severo-Kavkazskogo regiona // Izvestiya GGAU. ‘T. 49. Ch. 1–2. 2012, S. 41–47.
3. Bolieva Z.A., Doeva L.Yu., Soldatova T.B., Draeva L.B., Batsazova T.M. Primenenie tseolitovykh glin dlya povysheniya produktivnosti i tovarnosti klubney kartofelya // Nauchnaya zhizn’, 2012. № 4. S. 15–17.
4. Bolieva Z. A., Doeva L. Yu., Likhnenko S. V. Otsenka kachestva klubneyotechestvennykh i zarubezhnykh sortov kartofelya v usloviyakh predgornoy zony RSO – Alaniya // Nauchnaya zhizn’, 2015. №1. S.70 –74.
5. Budin K.Z. Geneticheskie osnovy selektsii kartofelya. – L.:Agropromizdat, 1986. 190 s.
6. Bukasov S.M., Kameraz A.Ya. Selektsiya i semenovodstvo kartofelya. – L.: Kolos, 1972. S. 3.
7. Doeva L.Yu. Vliyanie biomeliorantov i udobreniy na plodorodie vyshchelochennogo chernozema i produktivnost’ kartofelya v lesostepnoy zone RSO-A // Avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata sel’skokhozyaystvennykh nauk // Gorskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet. – Vladikavkaz, 2006.
8. Doeva L.Yu., Mamiev D.M., Bolieva Z.A. Plodorodie pochvy i produktivnost’ kartofelya pri primenenii biomeliorantov i udobreniy v RSO-A // Plodorodie. 2010. № 3. S. 31–32.
9. Zykin A.G. Virusnye bolezni kartofelya – L. Kolos, 1976. – 152 s.
10. Kozaeva D.P., Basiev S.S., Bolieva Z.A., Shcherbinin A.N. Sortovye osobennosti i tekhnicheskie kachestva klubney kartofelya, opredelyayushchie ikh prigodnost’ k pererabotke // Izvestiya GGAU. T. 48. Ch. 1. 2011. S. 34-37.
11. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po tekhnologii selektsionnogo protsessa. - M.: VNIIKKh, 1980. – 38 s.
12. Metodika issledovaniy po kul’ture kartofelya. M.: VNIIKKh, 1967. – 263 s.
13. Shcherbinin A.N., Likhnenko S.V., Gerieva F.T., Miroshnikova E.S. Semenovodstvo i selektsiya kartofelya v gorakh i predgor’yakh Severnogo Kavkaza // Agrarnaya Rossiya. 2005. № 5. S. 22–24.

Dzodzikova M.E.Radiometric measurements of channel deposits and ecological condition of riverbank Ardon

Abstract. Radiometric measurements carried out along the banks of the Ardon and some of its tributaries in the North Ossetian State Natural Reserve , the buffer zone and adjacent areas. Also studied the ecological state of the river banks Ardon, due to the fact that in these areas, intensive work on the construction of hydroelectric power station and pipeline Zaramagskaya the South portal, working intensively stone crushing company. Analysis of the radiation measurements showed that according to the « Methodology of dosimetric control of industrial waste «, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation, the background radiation of the investigated areas does not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations and can be recognized by the radiation clean and interventions that do not require. In the surveyed areas Ardon Valley recorded 49 loose dump sites, of which 21 site dumped rocks reach the coastline, which artificially reduces the riverbed Ardon. In addition, the river is reset waste process water, increasing their turbidity that may be adversely affected hydrobiotite, investigated watercourses. Uncontrolled growth in the number and volume of unfortified dump sites has a special danger in case of flooding.
Keywords: morphometry, beaches, rivers, radiation measurements, blades, stone crushing company, narrowing the riverbed. References 1. Panov V.D. Ledniki basseyna r. Terek. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat., 1971. 296 s.
2. Katalog lednikov SSSR. – Tom 8. Severnyy Kavkaz. – Chast' 8. Basseyn r. Urukh. Chast' 9. Basseyn r. Ardon / sost. V.D. Panov, E.S. Borovik – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. 76 s.
3. Dontsov V.I., Tsogoev V.B. Vodnye resursy. – Vladikavkaz: Proekt-press, 2001. 367 s. (Prirodnye resursy Respubliki Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya).
4. Dzodzikova M.E., Pogosyan A.A. Reki i ledniki Severo-Osetinskogo prirodnogo zapovednika // Gornye regiony: XXI vek: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, posvyashchennyy 75-letnemu yubileyu doktora geograficheskikh nauk, professora B.M. Beroeva. – Vladikavkaz, 2011. S. 175–179.
5. Khubetsova R.D., Gabanova I.Kh. Lechebnoe deystvie mineral'nykh vod Severnoy Osetii. – Ordzhonikidze: Izd. «Ir», 1996. 115 s.
6. Amirkhanov A.M., Lipkovich A.D., Popov K.P., Veynberg P.I., Alekseev S.K. Severo-Osetinskiy zapovednik // Zapovedniki SSSR: Zapovedniki Kavkaza. – M., 1990. S. 50–69.
7. Badtiev Yu.S., Dzodzikova M.E., Alagov A.A. Ekologicheskoe sostoyanie osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriy RSO-A federal'nogo znacheniya. – Vladikavkaz: Izd-vo Severo-Osetinskogo instituta gumanitarnykh i sotsial'nykh issledovaniy im. V.I. Abaeva Vladikavkazskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN i Pravitel'stva Respubliki Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya. 2012. 142 s.
8. Komarov Yu.E., Khokhlov A.N., Il'yukh M.P. Ekologiya nekotorykh vidov ptits Respubliki Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya. – Stavropol': Izd. Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2006. 257 s.
9. Veynberg P.I. Annotirovannyy spisok ryb, zemnovodnykh i presmykayushchikhsya Severo-Osetinskogo zapovednika // Trudy Severo-Osetinskogo gosudarstvennogo prirodnogo zapovednika. 2006 g. Vyp. 1. S. 142–144.
10. Popov K.P. Alagirskoe ushchel'ye. – Vladikavkaz: Izd. «Ir». 2008. 415 s.
11. Severo-Osetinskiy gosudarstvennyy prirodnyy zapovednik.– Ordzhonikidze: Izd-vo «Ir», 1989.106 s.
12. Normativnye dokumenty dlya radiatsionnogo kontrolya. http://betagamma.ru/product_info.php?products_id=451
13. Dzodzikova M.E., Pavlova I.G., Gabaraeva V.M. Vliyanie vod razlichnogo geneza na chastotu vozniknoveniya opukholey molochnoy zhelezy u krys, indutsirovannykh MNM // Ustoychivoe razvitie gornykh territoriy v usloviyakh global'nykh izmeneniy: mater. VII mezhdunar. konf. – Vladikavkaz: Izd-vo «Ir», 2010. S. 124–125.
14. Dzodzikova M.E., Gridnev E.A., Pogosyan A.A. Khimiya vod Severo-Osetinskogo zapovednika // Gornye regiony: XXI vek: sb. nauch. tr., posvyashch. 75-letnemu yubileyu d-ra geogr. nauk, prof. B.M. Beroeva. – Vladikavkaz: Izd-vo «Ir». 2011. S. 173–175.

Galazova M.V.The effective use of the resource potential of municipal formation

Abstract. The article discusses the problems of assessing the resource potential of the municipality. The technique of normalized coefficients, which will allow for the rating of compensatory strategies of municipalities.
Keywords: resource potential, municipality, Getaria, compensation strategy, rating estimation. References 1. Bazhin I. Mekhanizmy adaptatsii v sotsial'noy innovatike gosudarstvennogo upravleniya / I.Bazhin // Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba, 2007, № 1. S. 32.2.
2. Bukhval'd E. Problemy perekhodnogo perioda munitsipal'noy reformy i puti ikh resheniya / E. Bukhval'd // Federalizm. 2007. № 3 (47). S. 95–111.
3. Voronin A.G. Munitsipal'noe khozyaystvovanie i upravlenie: problemy teorii i praktiki. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2003. 176 s.
4. Gracheva M.V. Metodologiya proektnogo analiza i innovatsionnaya deyatel'nost' // Vestnik MGU, Ekonomika, 1999, № 1. S. 4.3.
5. Deryugina T.V. Munitsipal'naya sobstvennost' v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: predely osushchestvleniya i ogranicheniya / T.V. Deryugina // Rossiyskaya yustitsiya. 2008. № 6. S. 57–60.
6. Ignatov V.G., Butov V.I. Mestnoe samoupravlenie: rossiyskaya praktika i zarubezhnyy opyt: uchebnoe posobie. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.; Rostov-n / D.: MarT, 2005.
7. Illarionov A.E. Rol' vlasti v razrabotke i realizatsii strategii razvitiya munitsipaliteta // Praktika munitsipal'nogo upravleniya. 2007. № 4. S. 20–21.4
8. Konkurentosposobnost' regionov: teoretiko-prikladnye aspekty / Pod red. prof., d. e. n. Yu.K. Lerskogo, dots., k. e. n. N.Ya. Kalyuzhnovoy. – M.: TEIS, 2003. 472 s.
9. Margolin A.M., Khutyz Z.A. Teoriya i praktika investitsionnogo obespecheniya razvitiya ekonomiki depressivnykh regionov. – M., 2004. S. 29–33.
10. Rokhchin V. Strategicheskiy analiz sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya munitsipal'nogo obrazovaniya: metodologicheskiy aspekt. – M., 2005.


Regional Conference «Political and legal aspects of national and federal policy of Russia and problems of nation-building in Caucasus»


Osmanov A.I., Balikoev T.M.Review of the book by V.D. Dzidzoev and A.K. Hadikova «Stages of nation-building of Ossetia and the problems of modern ethnopolicy. The historical, political and legal analysis»

Dzattiaty R.G.Review of the book by Jerusalem A.A. «Moshchevaya bar: an unusual archaeological site in the North Caucasian Silk Way»

Dzidzoev V.D.Review of the book Elbuzdukaeva T.U. «Political repressions on territory of Chechnya and Ingushttia in 1920-1930»


The 70-th anniversary of E.S. Kamenetsky