Gurbanov A.G., Vinokurov S.F., Bogatikov O.A., Lexin A.B., Gazeev V.M., Tsukanova L.E., Shevchenko A.V., Dudarov Z.I., Gurbanova O.A. A new data on geochemical peculiarities of water of the main water artery of the Tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum mining complex activity region (Kabardino-Balkar Republic)
Abstract.In a 5th control points at the Baksan river valley (from vil. Islamay on the plain and 70 km up-stream on the Baksan river to background control sample № P00/16, which is arranged in 600 m up-stream along valley from mouth of Big Mukulan river) was sampling and exceed (in 2.5 times) of PDK for Al, Fe, V, Zn, Mn, Mo for water of reservoirs having of fishery district significance,have been established at the first time. There are 3 control points yet: in a mouth of Big Mukulan, Kamiksu and from small «protection» lake on tailrepository №1. Places for sampling have been selected so, that geochemical condition of river Baksan water (degree of their pollution ) was valid in dependence from subjection on it (water river Baksan) by channels which are draining of mines and tailrepositories of TTMMC. Based on analysis of data obtained it was revealed the clearly tendency implies that perpetually increasing nutrient (in comparison with background control sample of water № P00/16) was revealed in a water of Baksan river by channels which are draining of mines, quarry and tailrepositories of TTMMC (with a derivational tunnel) the following metals and metalloids: Li, Be, B, Si, S, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Y, Mo, Cd, Sb, W, Tl, but for Al, Ba, Bi this tendency implies is markedly worse.
Scales of technology pollution (for one summer month) by industrial waste of TTMMC of river Baksan water was approximately estimated using abundance of debris cone by river of metal and metalloids (it calculated on concentration of elements [in mgr/lit.]) on segment between control point POO/16 and P6/16, and according discharge (in m3/day) by Baksan river into these control points. The calculation are shown, that combined debris cone of metal and metalloids by water of the Baksan river from control point P00/16 to point P6/16 (at entry river on the plain) was marked about 3256063 kg (4830010 kg – 1544725 kg). From the state report at the Kabardino-Balkarian republic became clear, that already in 2001 year in a water of the Terekriver (in the control point) have been established of PDK exceed for: Mo in 4-8; W in 4 and Cu – in 2 times. Consequently, the regional ecological catastrophe, expressed in pollution by ecologic dangerous elements the part (hydrosphere) of environment dwelling of human are beginning to display already. Ecologic dangerous elements, including and dangerous for fishery district (Li, B, Mn, Ba, Al, Zn, Si, S, W, Mo, As, etc.) are supply and will supply constantly: from channels which are draining of mines, quarry, tailrepositories of TTMMC (with a derivational tunnel) and from 3 brook which are effluent from the basement of embankment dam of tailrepository №1. In the total, in r. Baksan and respective to r. Terek because of the constantly pollution of its water will be decrease in area of fatten and spawning for the estimate race of fish. It has taken a sizable tolls to fishery district of South Federal region and will correspond, according consequence, to ecological catastrophe of the federal significance.
It is established a necessity of improvement of ecological condition water of r. Baksan and rehabilitate of it fishery district significance and respectively decrease of negative action on health of population by means of decrease of ecologic dangerous elements concentration level in the main channel-soiling of Baksan river. For solving of this problem was done the concrete enumeration of measures, include using of cleaning-filter as an ionic-exchange columns (sections) of different types for the sequence (selective) extraction of ecologic dangerous and economical valuable elements. In the process it is important to be taken into account, that during extraction of economical valuable elements it is quite possible the incidentally to get of clean oxides of series of valuable metals (Mo, W, Cu, Zn and others), that essentially to raise an economical attraction of this proposal.
KeywordsTyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum mining complex, methods of cleaning of waters of superficial currents, sources of contamination of waters.
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Kirichko Y.A. Unidirectional rotary of the foundation blocks, as a Mechanism for reducing of the rigid base of plicate system’s measurements (For example, the Central Caucasus) Part № 1
Abstract.For the Cimmerian and Alpine stages in the development of the Central Caucasus (CC) considered mechanism of folding, taking into account the nature of the block structure of the basement, occur-rence mantle relics and especially manifestations of folded deformations. The decisive in the for-mation of a folding hard unidirectional rotation of the foundation blocks. The rotation mechanism is seen as part of a three-layer model of the Earth's crust. Formation of folding during the rotation of the foundation blocks due to the presence of horizontal compression forces, reduction of the sur-face of the hard base and the presence of synchronous current divergent vertical forces acting on the block boundaries. Within the Central Caucasus released 10 major large blocks having features of the mechanism, much of which previously stood as elevations and depressions.
KeywordsCentral Caucasus, foundation, cover, depression, depression, elevation, mechanism of folding, the reduction of the size of the hard basement, the rotation of the blocks of basement, dynamic fault.
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Abstract. The article investigates the characteristics of the formation of settlement of North Ossetia in ХVII–ХIХ centuries. This article gives little-known facts about the origin of human settlements in the mountains and plains and the reasons of occurrence of German settlementswithin the region.
Keywordssettlement, population, Ossetians, Russian, Ukrainians, Germans, fortress, village, city.
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Loginov A.V. To certain problems of juridicial reform in the Republic
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