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Khugayev I. S. The unsinkable utopia


Sattsaev E.B. The problem of distinguishing the nominal parts of speech in Ossetic

Abstract. The problem of the parts of speech classification in morphology of the Iranian languages is important but has not been sufficiently researched. The ancient Iranian languages had synthetic features. The nominal parts of speech in them are distinctive. The historical development of the Iranian languages has led to changes in their morphological construction. In most modern Iranian languages the parts of speech can be divided into three groups: the noun, the verb, the uninflected words. In the practical study of the Ossetic language, in some cases, the approach to the parts of speech might be reviewed.
Keywords ancient Iranian languages, Scytian (Sak) language, Ossetic, synthetism, agglutination, group of nouns, verb, uninflected words, lexical meaning of words.
1. Abaev V. I. The grammatical outline of osetian language. – Ordjonikidze, 1959.
2. The grammar of osetian language. Phonetics and morphology (edition by Ahvelediani K.S.). – Ordjonikidze, 1959.
3. Isaev M.I. Osetian language \\ The basis of iranian linguistics. The new iranian languages: east group. – M.: Nauka,1987.
4. Oranskiy I.M. The introduction of Iranian philology. – M.: Nauka,1988.
5. The basis of iranian linguistics. The ancient Iranian language. – M.: Nauka,1979.
6. Sattcaev E.B. Osetian and afghan(pashto) languages:contrastive – comparative analysis. – Vladikavkaz, 2013.
7. The languages of Asia and Africa. Indo-European languages. Iranian languages. Dardic languages. Dravidian languages 2. – M.,1979


Dzugaev K.G. South Оssetia and Great terror in Soviet Georgia

Abstract. The article deals with the specificity of the repression during 1937–1938 in South Ossetia , the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the available data is being carried out , the article concludes that the Georgian authorities had benefited during the period of the Great Terror to suppress the South Ossetian national movement.
Keywords Repression, Georgia, South Ossetia, 1937 year
1. Bliev M.M. Yuzhnaya Osetiya v kolliziyakh rossiysko-gruzinskikh otnosheniy. – M., 2006. S. 238.
2. Bol'shevistskiy poryadok v Gruzii. Izdanie v 2 tomakh. Sostaviteli Mark Yunge, Bernd Bonvech. – M., 2015. 640 s. (Maket predstavlen v elektronnom vide)
3. Vaneev V.D. Lyudi, pomnite o nas. – Tskhinval, 2005. 182 s.
4. Gagloyti Yu.S. Alany i voprosy etnogeneza osetin. – Tbilisi, 1966.
5. Gagloyti Yu.S. Alano-Georgika. Svedeniya gruzinskikh istochnikov ob Osetii i osetinakh. – Vladikavkaz, 2007.
6. Gagloyti Yu.S. Izbrannye trudy. T. 1. – Tskhinval, 2010 (sostavitel' i nauchnyy redaktor Dzugaev K. G.).
7. Dzhugeli V. Tyazhelyy krest''. Zapiski Narodnogvardeytsa. – Tiflis'', 1920 (http://iarir.ru/node/61).
8. Dzidzoev V.D., Dzugaev K.G. 1937 god v Yuzhnoy Osetii // Vestnik Vladikavkazskogo nauchnogo tsentra. Tom. 7. № 1. 2007. S. 23–30.
9. Dzidzoev V.D., Dzugaev K.G. Yuzhnaya Osetiya v retrospektive gruzino-osetinskikh otnosheniy. Tskhinval, 2007. 271 s.
10. Dzidzoev V.D., Dzugaev K.G. Soslan-David Tsarazon v istorii Gruzii i Osetii: fakty i gipotezy // Dar'yal, № 2.– Vladikavkaz, 2007. S. 159–175 (v soavtorstve s V.D. Dzidzoevym); v el. dostupe http://iarir.ru/node/97.
11. Kniga Pamyati. T. 3. – Vladikavkaz, 1995.
12. Ordzhonikidze G.K. Stat'i i rechi. T. 1. 1910–1926 gg. M., 1956.
13. Politicheskiy otdel Tsentral'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Arkhiva Respubliki Yuzhnaya Osetiya. F. 1, op. 2, kor. 18, d. 205.
14. Khronologiya istoricheskikh sobytiy // Istoriya Yugo-Osetii v dokumentakh i materialakh (1800–1864 gg. Sostavitel' I. N. Tskhovrebov. T. 2. – Stalinir (nyne Tskhinval), 1960. S. 646–647).
15. Tskhovrebov Yu.V. Yuzhnaya Osetiya i tragicheskiy 1937 god // Vaneev V. D. Lyudi… S. 7 (predislovie k knige).
16. …Chtoby ne dostalis' vragu // Sotsial-demokrat Osetii. 2002, avgust, № 11.
17. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naselenie_Yuzhnoy_Osetii.


Tavasiyev  R.A.  The  Degradation  of  karaugom  glacier.  Рart 1.  The  dynamics  of  the  glacier’s  retreat

Abstract. The article deals with the dynamics of Karaug glacier’s retreat which is considered to be one of the three largest glaciers of the Caucasus. During the period from the maximal stage of the Small Ice Age (Fernau stage, the 1850s) to 2017 the glacier retreated by 3042 m, at an average speed of 18,55 m per year. In the first year after mudslides in 1989 the glacier retreated by 455 m.
Keywordsglacier, glacial clay, landslide, mudslide, velocity of retreat, aerial photography, periods.
1. Abikh G. Researches of the real and ancient glaciers Caucasus / Collection of data on the Caucasus. – Tiflis, 1871. Volume 1. Page 85-126. [In Russian].
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7. Catalog of glaciers of the USSR. T. 8. North Caucasus.Part 8.Basin of the Urukh River.Part 9.Basin of the Ardon River.Panov V. D., BorovikE.S . – Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. 76 pages.[In Russian].
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Budaeva  A.A.  Evaluation  of  the  social-economic  development  level  in  the  Northern  Caucasus  federal  area  using  the  reference  method

Abstract. The paper proposes an approach to assessing the level of social and economic development of territorial subjects, based on the reference method. A mathematical model of the problem and an algorithm for solving it are proposed, as well as the paper presents the results of the approach to assessing the level of social-economic development in regions of the Northern Caucasus Federal Area.
Keywords reference method, assessment, criteria, level of socio-economic development, efficiency, ranking
1. Budaeva A. A., Groppen V. O. Vybor optimal'noy tekhnologii ranzhirovaniya // Ustoychivoe razvitie gornykh territoriy. 2014. № 3 (21) . S. 3–7.
2. Budaeva A.A. Optimizatsiya tekhnologiy mnogokriterial'nogo ranzhirovaniya ob''ektov // Teoriya operatorov, kompleksnyy analiz i matematicheskoe modelirovanie: tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii. – Vladikavkaz: YuMI VNTs RAN i RSO-A., 2014. S. 166–167.
3. Vagin V.S., Gropen V.O., Pozdnyakova T.A., Budaeva A.A. Mnogokriterial'noe ranzhirovanie ob''ektov metodom etalonov kak instrument optimal'nogo upravleniya // Ustoychivoe razvitie gornykh territoriy. 2010. № 1. S. 47–55.
4. Il'in V.V., Shed'koYu.N. Podkhody k otsenke sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti razvitiya regionov Rossii // Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Ekonomika i upravlenie v XXI veke: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika», g. Moskva, 30 noyabrya 2012 goda.
5. Strategiya i taktika razvitiya ekonomiki Rossii do 2020 goda na federal'nom i regional'nom urovnyakh: Monografiya // Pod obshch. red. I.S. Tsypina, Yu.N. Shed'ko. – M.: VGNA MinfinaRossii, 2011. 478 s.

Olisaeva  L.G.,  Dzakoev  Z.L.  The  state  and  development  problems  of innovation  in  the  Republic  of  North  Ossetia-Alania

Abstract. An analysis of the innovation sphere state in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is carried out. The dynamics of the system of indicators is revealed, characterizing socio-economic situation of the Republic, the problems are identified, proposals for overcoming them are made.
Keywords innovation, region, indicators, competitiveness, factors, expert assessment
1. Amosov A. Ob ekonomicheskom mekhanizme novogo industrial’nogo razvitiya // Ekonomist. 2014. № 2. S. 3–12.
2. Alekseeva M.S. Adaptatsionnyy mekhanizm kak vid organizatsionno-ekonomicheskogo mekhanizma dlya razvitiya i povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti promyshlennykh predpriyatiy / M.S. Alekseeva, M.V. Tikhonova // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta tekhnologii i dizayna. Ser. 3. Ekonomicheskie, gumanitarnye i obshchestvennye nauki. 2016. № 2. S. 18–22.
3. Respublika Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya v tsifrakh, 2017: Kratkiy statisticheskiy sbornik / Severnaya Osetiyastat. – Vladikavkaz, 2017. 221 s.
4. Dzakoev Z.L. Opyt formirovaniya regional’noy innovatsionnoy sistemy. – Vladikavkaz: Izd-vo VNTs RAN i RSO-A, 2003. 369 s.
5. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RSO-A ot 27 dekabrya 2010 g., № 382.
6. Olisaeva L.G., Dzakoev Z.L. Rol’ biznes-proektirovaniya v razvitii organizatsiy // Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo, № 2 (ch.1), 2017. S. 566–569.
7. Balikoev V.T., Kantemirova M.A., Dzakoev Z.L. Predprinimatel’stvo v Respublike Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya: sostoyanie, problemy i perspektivy // Gosudarstvennyy universitet upravleniya. Zhurnal «Vestnik universiteta», № 3, 2016. S. 5–10.
8. Bukhgalterskiy uchet i nalogooblozhenie nematerial’nykh aktivov. Tsentr Pravovoy Podderzhki Transfera Tekhnologiy. URL: http://center.transtechnology.


Doeva L.Yu., Lihnenko S.V., Zangieva F.T. Effectiveness of potato growing variety

Abstract. The article presents the results of the economic and energy efficiency of potato varieties. The paper analyses the cost-benefit of the new promising potato variety Scherbininsky compared to the recognized the variety Volzhanin (Str.). The calculations indicate that the profit in growing the variety Scherbininsky 72.4% above normal, thereby profitability is 20.8% higher. The Scherbininsky exceeded the variety Volzhanin for all indicators of energy efficiency.
Keywords Potato, variety Scherbininsky, crop yields, cost, profit, profitability, efficiency.
1. Basiev, S.S. Features of potato breeding in the mountain and foothill zones of North Ossetia-Alania / SS. Basiev, Z.A. Bolieva, C.G. Dzhioeva, F.T. Gherieva // Proceedings of the Kuban State Agrarian University. 2015. No. 55. P. 10–14.
2. Bolieva, Z.A. Assessment of the quality of tubers of domestic and foreign potato varieties in the conditions of the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania / Z.A. Bolieva, L.Yu. Doeva, S.V. Likhnenko // Scientific life, 2015. № 1. P. 70–73.
3. Gasiev, V.I. Comparative evaluation of the productivity of spring crops / V.I. Gasiev // Scientific life, 2016. №2. P. 102–109.
4. Zangieva, F.T. Assessment of yield and resistance to viral and fungal diseases of tubers of hybrid potato populations / F.T. Zangieva, S.V. Likhnenko // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2015. Vol. 15. № 2. P. 44–46.
5. Kokaeva, L.Yu. Molecular-genetic approaches to the study of the phytopathogenic oomycete PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS / L.Yu. Kokaeva, Z.G. Kokaeva, Yu.I. Berezov, S.N. Elansky // Protection of potatoes, 2011. № 2. С. 2–8.
6. Korinets, V.V. Energy efficiency of cultivation of agricultural crops (methodical recommendations) / V.V. Korinets // Volgograd. 1985. 31 c.
7. Likhnenko, S.V. Evaluation of potato forms for heat, drought resistance / S.V. Likhnenko, L.Yu. Doeva, F.T. Zangieva // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2016. T.16. №4. P. 62–69.
8. Likhnenko, S.V. Ways to reduce the spread of potato diseases in North Ossetia / S.V. Likhnenko, I.R. Manukyan // Protection and quarantine of plants. 2015. № 8. P.33–34.
9. Likhnenko, S.V. New varieties of potatoes for the North Caucasus region / S.V. Likhnenko, L.Yu. Doeva, F.T. Zangieva // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2016. T.16. №4. P. 62–69.
10. Manukyan, I.R. Features of cultivation of winter wheat in the North Caucasus region and adjacent territories / I.R. Manukyan // In the collection: PERSPECTIVES AND PECULIARITIES OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES OF NORTH AND SOUTH OSSETIA materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2015. – P. 205-212.
11. Methodology of research on potato culture // Moscow: VNIIKH. 1967. 263 p.
12. Methods of research on the protection of potatoes from diseases, pests, weeds and immunity // M. 1995. 340 p.
13. Pisarev, B.A. Methodical instructions on technology of potato breeding / B.A. Pisarev, P.P. Makarova, I.M. Yashina et al., Moscow: RSHA. 1994. 22 c.
14. Popypanov, G.S. Energy assessment of technologies for cultivation of field crops / GS. Popynov, V.E. Dolgovvorov // Moscow: MAHA. 1996. 22 c.
15. Serderov, V.K. Productivity and economically valuable qualities of new promising potato varieties / V.K. Serderov, B.K. Atatov, D.V. Serderova // In the collection: Innovative technologies in adaptive-landscape agriculture, a collection of reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. FGBICU "Vladikavkaz Scientific Research Institute". 2015. P. 83–86.
16. Serderov, V.K. New promising varieties for the development of the potato industry in Dagestan / V.K. Serderov, B.K. Atamov, D.V. Serderova // Mining agriculture. 2015. № 4. P. 77–80.
17. Simakov, E.A. Methodical instructions on technology of potato breeding process / Е.А. Simakov, N.P. Sklyarova, I.M. Yashina // M .: Achievements of Science and Technology of the AIC. 2006. 70 p.


Eremina A.F., Seliverstova G.P. Laboratory an experiment in physics at school.

Abstract. The article gives recommendations to teachers of physics in the methodology for preparing students for laboratory and practical work on physics.
Keywords Physical experiment, direct measurements, indirect measurements, error
1. Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart osnovnogo obshchego obrazovaniya. http://xn--80abucjiibhv9a.xn
2. Kim V.S. Virtual’nye eksperimenty v obuchenii fizike. Monografiya. –Ussuriysk: Izd. Filiala DVFU v g. Ussuriyske, 2012. 184 s.
3. Kiseleva O.M. Osobennosti formirovaniya tekhnicheskoy kul’tury u uchiteley razlichnykh pedagogicheskikh spetsial’nostey / O.M. Kiseleva, N.M. Timofeeva, A.A. Bykov // Nauchno-metodicheskiy elektronnyy zhurnal «Kontsept». 2013. № 8 (24). S. 11–15.
4. Peryshkin A.V. Fizika 7 kl. – M.: Drofa, 2013, 192 s.
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Khugayev  I.S.  On  the  scientific  creativity  of  Marina  Lyudvigovna  Chibirova  (1970 – 2017)


A  science  festival  is  in  Vladicaucasus

Review  of  the  printed  publications  of  the  VSC


The  review  of  A.M.  Tsaliev’s  book  «Vladikavkaz  government  institutions  and  their  activities  in  the  post-reform  period»


Belous  L.V.  Lomonosov  or  Hirsh?


Mathematical  forum

Review  of  the  printed  publications  of  the  VSC


The 85-th anniversary of the South Ossetian state university named after A.A. Tibilov

Kusraev A.G. About the main directions of modernization of the South-Ossetian state university named after .A.A. Tibilov (The statement to the academic board of the South Ossetian State University, on 5th March 2009)