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To  the  100-th  anniversary  of  October


Lenin V.I.  The  response  to  the  questions  of  an  American  journalist


Khugayev I.S.  On  the  dictatorship  of  spelling


Dzutseva  F.S.   The  numeric  code  as  an  integrator  of  language  semiosphere  (on  the  material  of  English  and  Ossetic  means  of  the  secondary  nomination)

Abstract. The article considers the numerical code, one of the most archetypal concepts, as an important tool of integrating language semiosphere. A contrastive study of the metaphoric images that form the English and Ossetic phraseological units, representing the category, reveals the complex multi-vector projections of the conceptual category in question into basic universal and nationally-labeled concepts. It is concluded that the numerical code due to interaction with an unlimited number and variety of nominations of other cultural codes or their combinations, actualizes and integrates both the nuclear and peripheral «sectors» of the semiosphere.
Keywordsсognitive semantics, semiosphere, archetype, means of secondary nomination, categorization, numeric code.
1. Kovshova M.L. Lingvokul’turologicheskiy metod vo frazeologii: Kody kul’tury. URSS. 2012. 456 s.
2. Krasnykh V.V. Yazyk, soznanie, kommunikatsiya: Sb. statey / Otv. red. A. I. Izotov. – M.: MAKS Press, 2002.
184 s.
3. Lotman Yu.S. Semiosfera. – S.-Peterburg: «Iskusstvo - SPB», 2001. 704 s.
4. Teliya V.N. Russkaya frazeologiya. – M.: Yazyki russkoy kul’tury, 1996. 284 s.
5. Eko U. Otsutstvuyushchaya struktura / U. Eko. – SPb.: Petropolis, 1998. 432 s.
6. Dzabity Z.T. Iron ævzadzhy frazeologion dzyrduat; pod red. Yu.A. Dzitstsoyty. 2-e izd., dop. – Tskhinval: RYuO, 2003. 448 s.
7. Kunin A.V. Bol’shoy anglo-russkiy frazeologicheskiy slovar’ (4-e izdanie, pererab. i dop.) – M.: Russkiyyazyk, 1984. 944 s.


Dzliev M.I. National security of Russia and opposition institution

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of mutual influence of public organizations (mainly opposition ones) and state institutions in ensuring national security of the country. The negative role and place of the agents of influence and opposition structures (the fifth and sixth columns) in the life of society are analyzed, the forms and methods of their subversive work are revealed. Particular attention is paid to problems of NGOs, control over their latent activities.
Keywordsopposition, potential of protest, human behavior, liberalism, agents of influence, fifth column, sixth column, non-profit public organizations (NGOs).
1. Sivkov K.V. Oruzhie massovogo razlozheniya // VPK. 2015. № 12.
2. Strategiya natsional’noy bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 2015. 31 dekabrya.
3. Sayt: www.interfax.ru. 2016. 20 yanvarya.
4. Pochemu tak medlenno // Politicheskoe obozrenie. 2016. 14 yanvarya.
5. Delyagin M.G. Prezident nachal peresmotr itogov banditskoy privatizatsii // Argumenty nedeli. 2016. № 33. S. 8.
6. Oppozitsionery: Rossiya dolzhna otdat’ Krym, likvidirovat’ OMON i sdat’ yadernoe oruzhie // Politicheskoe obozrenie. 2016. 11 yanvarya.
7. Danov V.M. Agenty vliyaniya: otkuda oni? // Bezopasnost’. 1995. № 3–4.8. Kostikov V. Vybor bez vybora. Gibridnaya voyna porozhdaet gibridnyy mir // AiF. – 2015. № 11.
9. Federal’nyy zakon RF «O nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh» (ot 13 iyulya 2015 g. № 225-FZ).
10. Federal’nyy zakon RF «O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel’nye zakonodatel’nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii v chasti regulirovaniya deyatel’nosti nekommercheskikh organiza-tsiy, vypolnyayushchikh funktsii inostrannogo agenta» (ot 20 iyulya 2012 g. № 121-FZ).
11. Ushakova D. Troynoe sito // Sayt: LENTA.ru. 2015. 18 dekabrya.
12. Obshchestvennye organizatsii kak yacheyka setevoy voyny // Razvedchik’’ (Voennyy i literaturnyy zhurnal) – (Sayt: http://wv2.vrazvedka.ru/index.php?option)
13. Pochemu tak medlenno? // Politicheskoe obozrenie. 2016. 14 yanvarya.


Tsaliev  A.M.  On  the  place  and  role  of  courts  of  general  jurisdiction in  the  anti-corruption  mechanism

Abstract. The article examines the role of general jurisdiction courts in corruption crimes prevention. Unreasonable liberalization of criminal law is criticized and the practice of its application in punishment for corruption crimes.
Keywordscourts of general jurisdiction, punishments, corruption crimes, humanization of criminal law, private definition.
1. Latukhina K. Otkaty s indeksatsiey // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 2013. 31 oktyabrya.
2. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: http://sledcom.ru/news/item/886773
3. Gadzhiev D.M. 15 let Konstitutsii RF: problemy teorii i praktiki. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Ch. 2. – Makhachkala. 2008. S. 371.
4. Astanin V.V. Praktika reagirovaniya sudebnykh organov na organizovannuyu korruptsiyu i v sfere ikh deyatel'nosti. // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. 2006. № 2.
5. Astanin V.V. Sovremennaya praktika naznacheniya ugolovnykh nakazaniy za korruptsionnye prestupleniya v Rossii // Rossiyskaya yustitsiya. 2011. № 7.
6. Zhuravlev M.K. K voprosu o naznachenii nakazaniya za korruptsionnye prestupleniya // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2013. № 5.
7. Davat' opasnee, chem brat' // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 2010. 17 fevralya.
8. Kulikov A.D. Korruptsiya: ekonomicheskie i organizatsionno-pravovye problemy // Korruptsiya: politicheskie, ekonomicheskie, organizatsionnye i pravovye problemy: sb. mat. – M., 2001. S. 57–60.
9. Protivodeystvie korruptsii: konstitutsionno-pravovye podkhody / Otv. red. d. yu. n., prof. S.A. Avak'yan. – M., 2016. S. 199.
10. Korruptsiya: priroda, proyavleniya, protivodeystviya / Pod red. T.Ya. Khabrievoy. – M., 2015. S. 289.


Belous  L.V.  Asker  Mahmudov,  or  life  like  a  song

Abstract. The essay features the work of Asker Makhmudov, People’s Artist of North Ossetia, a bright, unordinary singer with extraordinary vocal and original stage plasticity. For several years Mahmudov worked in tandem with Vysotsky, filmed in musical television and movies.
KeywordsPeople’s artist, North Ossetia, song creativity

Byazrova  L.V.  Kazbek  Khetagurov:  the  rethinking  of  reality

Abstract. Inthe article the work of Kazbek Khetagurov (1936–1985) – the honored artist of NO ASSR, Academy of Arts of USSR silver medalist (1985), Kosta Khetagurov prize awardee (1987) is analyzed. The artist's painting style, the main themes of his work and his contribution to North Ossetian art are determined and described
Keywordsart, «austere style», «metaphorical realism», painting, graphics, portrait, etude, landscape painting, colour.
1. Gadaev L. T. wisdom of the heart (remembering Kazbek Khetagurov) // North Ossetia, No. 129 (22936), 10 July 1999.Р. 7.
2. Dzantiev A. Artists Of North Ossetia. – Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1988. 208 p.
3. The history of Russian and Soviet art. Ed. by D. V. Sarabyanova. – M.:Higher school, 1979. 383 p
4. Ostaeva T.A. Son of the people // Artist. 1991. No. 7. P. 10–13.
5. Khetagurov K. L. Works. –Vladikavkaz: IR, 2009. 623 p.
6. Epstein M. N. Postmodern in Russian literature. – M.: Higher school, 2005. 495 p.


Lipkovich A.D. The usual detail of the landscape (Gypaetusbarbatus)

Abstract. In this article the author talks about the ecology and behavior the Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) in the North Ossetian reservation and other regions of the Caucasus. This information is important for the practice protection in the nature, and reproduction in the captive conditions.
KeywordsLammergeier, rear species of animals, Central Caucasus, North Ossetian reserve, observations nests, captive breeding.
1. Veynberg P.I., Komarov Yu.E., Lipkovich A.D. Materialy po gnezdovoy biologii borodacha na Tsentral’nom Kavkaze: Okhrana khishchnykh ptits / Mat. 1-go soveshch. Po ekologii i okhrane khishchnykh ptits. M., 16–18 fevralya 1983 g. S. 101–105.
2. Lipkovich A.D. Biotopicheskoe raspredelenie i biologiya ptits vysokogoriy Tsentral’nogo Kavkaza // Diss. kand. biol. nauk, Moskva, MGU, 1991. 152 s.
3. Lipkovich A.D. Redkie ptitsy Severo-Osetinskogo zapovednika i sopredel’nykh territoriy: Resursy zhivotnogo mira Severnogo Kavkaza // Tez. dokl. nauchn.-prakt. konf. Stavropol’, 1988. S. 97–101.
4. Lipkovich A.D. Borodach // Krasnaya kniga Respubliki Svernaya Osetiya-Alaniya. – Vladikavkaz: «Proekt-Press», 1999. S. 165.
5. Lipkovich A.D. Borodach Gypaetus barbatus // Zhivotnyy mir Respubliki Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya. – Vladikavkaz: «Proekt-Press», 2000. S. 92–93.
6. Lipkovich A.D. Steregushchiy smert’ // Okhota. Natsional’nyy okhotnichiy zhurnal. № 5–6, iyun’ 2008. S. 48–51.
7. Donazar Jose A., Fernandes Carmelo. Population trends of the Griffon vulture Gyps fulvus in north Spain between 1969 and 1989 in to conservation measures//Biol. Conserv. 1990. – V.53, 2. – p. 83–91
8. Coton Christophe, Estevo Roger. La reintroduction du gypaete barbu dans los Alpes//Rev. Ecol/ - 1990/ - V.45, Supp.5. – p/ 227-241.
9. Wallas Ian Biuds of Prey of Britain and Europe / Oxford New York/ Oxford university press. 1983.


Kokoeva N.B., Kisiev N.T., Voropanova L.A. The conditions of selective and collaborative extraction of iron and copper ions from nickel electrolyte by extraction with a mixture of oleic acid and triethanolamine in kerosene

Abstract. Optimum conditions for selective and collaborative extraction of copper and iron impurities from nickel electrolyte by extraction with a mixture of oleic acid and triethanolamine in kerosene were determined.
Keywordsselective extraction, nickel electrolyte, oleic acid, triethanolamine.
1. Khudyakov I.F., Klyayn S.E., Ageev N.G. Metallurgiya medi, nikelya, soputstvuyushchikh elementov i proektirovanie tsekhov. – M.: Metallurgiya, 1993. 432 s.
2. Reznik I.D., Sobol' S.I., Khudyakov V.M. Kobal't. – M.: Mashinostroenie. ch. 2, 1995. S. 351–397.
3. Shivrin G.N., Golovitskaya T.A., Ilyushin S.A., Kolmanov A.A. Problemy elektroliza medi i nikelya. – Ryazan': NP «Golos gubernii», 2011. 352 s.
4. Naboychenko S.S., Ni L.P., Sheerson Ya.M., Chugaev L.V. Avtoklavnaya gidrometallurgiya tsvetnykh metallov. – Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UGTU-UPI, 2002. 940 s.
5. Voropanova L.A. Obezvrezhivanie stokov, soderzhashchikh iony tsvetnykh metallov, putem ekstraktsii ikh smes'yu oleinovoy kisloty i trietanolamina // Izv. VUZov, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, № 5, 2001. S. 32–38.
6. Voropanova L.A., Kisiev N.T. Ochistka nikelevogo elektrolita ot primesey zheleza (III) i medi (II) ekstraktsiey smes'yu oleinovoy kisloty i trietanolamina / Zapiski gornogo instituta. T. 214, 2015. S. 28–33.
7. Voropanova L.A., Kisiev N.T. Gagieva Z.A. Ekstraktsiya ionov zheleza i medi iz vodnykh rastvorov smes'yu oleinovoy kisloty i trietanola-mina v kerosine / Vestnik DonNTU. Spetsial'nyy vypusk «Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie». 2016. № 4(4). S. 10–14.
8. Patent RF 2591915, C22B 3/40, C22B 15/00, zayavka 2015105130/02, prioritet 16.02.2015, opubl. 20.07.2016 BI № 20. Voropanova L.A., Kisiev N.T., Gagieva Z.A. Sposob ekstraktsii ionov zheleza i medi iz vodnykh rastvorov smes'yu oleinovoy kisloty i trietanolamina v kerosine.
9. Patent RF 2604286, C25D 21/18, zayavka 2015127592, prioritet 08.07.2015, opubl. 10.12.2016 BI № 34. Voropanova L.A., Kisiev N.T., Gagieva Z.A. Sposob ochistki nikelevogo elektrolita ot primesey zheleza (III) i medi (II) ekstraktsiey cmes'yu oleinovoy kisloty i trietanolamina.
10. Patent RF 2604289, C22B 3/26, C22B 23/00, C22B 15/00, zayavka 2015127591, prioritet 08.07.2015, opubl. 10.12.2016 BI № 34. Voropanova L.A., Kisiev N.T., Gagieva Z.A. Sposob ochistki nikelevogo elektrolita ot primesey zheleza (III), kobal'ta (III) i medi (II) ekstraktsiey.


Djibilov  S.M.,  Guluyeva L.R.  Innovative  machinery  in  underwater material  producing  for  intensive  gardening  development

Abstract. In the article the principles of technical application for mechanization of works on seedling care in a fruit nursery are given, with the purpose of high-grade landing material at an industrial way of its production. The described technology will allow to reduce the labor intensity in production and the price of seedlings, create a base for intensive production of seedlings in the mountain and foothill zones.
Keywordsmechanization, technology, nursery, seedlings, cultivator, stony soils.
1. Bideeva I.Kh. Sovershenstvovanie mekhanizatsii rabot v plodovykh pitomnikakhgornoyipredgornoyzonyugaRossii / I.Kh. Bideeva, S.I. Bideev, L.R. Gulueva, Z.Kh. Poraeva // Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Severo-Kavkazskiy region.SeriyaTekhnicheskienauki. 2008. № 4. S. 146–147.
2. Dzhibilov S.M. Tekhnologiya i sredstva mekhanizatsii dlya plodopitomnikov gornoy i predgornoy zon Severnogo Kavkaza / S.M. Dzhibilov, L.R. Gulueva, S.G. Bestaev, Z.S. Badtieva // Izvestiya Gorskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2014. T. 51. № 2. S. 146–152.
3. Patent № 2320107 RF MPK AO1V 13/02. Malogabaritnyy agregat-okuchnik (KChG-O-2,4) / Gulueva L.R., Dzhibilov S.M., BideevaI.Kh., Bideev S.I., Abieva T.S. (RF). Zayavka № 2006130342/11 ot 22.08.2006; Opubl. 27.03.2008. Byul. № 9.
4. Dzhibilov S.M. Rykhlitel' mezhduryadiy – okuchnik matochnykh kustov v plodopitomnike / S.M. Dzhibilov, L.R. Gulueva, S.G. Bestaev //Izvestiya Gorskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2014. T. 51. № 4. S. 201–207.
5. Dzhibilov S.M. Tsisterna dlya vneseniya zhidkikh mineral'nykh udobreniy na gornykh uchastkakh / S.M. Dzhibilov, L.R. Gulueva, S.G. Bestaev, I.KhBideeva // Mekhanizatsiya i elektrifikatsiya sel'skogo khozyaystva. 2015. № 3. S. 8–10.
6. Dzhibilov S.M. Prisposoblenie dlya vneseniya zhidkikh udobreniy na gornye luga i pastbishcha / S.M. Dzhibilov, L.R. Gulueva, S.G. Bestaev, I.E. Soldatova // Izvestiya Gorskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2013. T. 50. № 1. S. 168–171.
7. Patent №2415538 RF MPK A01S 7/00, A01V 79/02. Sposob podseva semyan trav / Dzhibilov S.M., Gulueva L.R.,Gabaraev F.A., Bestaev S.G. (RF). Zayavka № 2009125111/21 ot 30.06.2009; Opubl. 10.04.2011. Byul. № 10.
8. Patent № 2321987 RF MPK A01D 23/02. Sposob ot''ema otvodkov ot matochnykh kustov / BideevaI.Kh., Bideev S.I., Gulueva L.R., Tekhova V.A., Abieva T.S. (RF). Zayavka № 2006126319/12 ot 19.07.2006; Opubl. 20.04.2008. Byul. № 11.
9. Patent № 2200373 RF 7 A O1 V 13/02. Rabochiy organ okuchnika / AlbegovKh.K., Dzhibilov S.M., Shcherbinin A.N., Gulueva L.R., Shorin P.M. (RF).Zayavka № 2002102541/13 ot 28.01.2002. Opubl. 20.03.2003. Byul. № 8.
10. Patent № 2226755 . RF 7 A O1 V 13/02 Ustroystvo dlya okuchivaniya / AlbegovKh.K.,Shcherbinin A.N., Dzhibilov S.M., Gulueva L.R., Khutinaev S.M., Kataev V.A. (RF). Zayavka № 2001128410/13 ot 18.10.2001. Opubl. 20.04.2004. Byul. № 11.
11. Dzhibilov S.M. Sposob snizheniya trudoemkosti okulirovochnykh rabot/ S.M. Dzhibilov, L.R. Gulueva, V.A. Tekhova, Z.S. Badtieva // Izvestiya Gorskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2012. T. 49. № 1–2. S. 226–228.
12. BideevaI.Kh. Kompleks mashin dlya ukhoda za posadochnym materialom v gornom sadovodstve/ I.Kh. Bideeva, S.I. Bideev, A.B. Kudzaev, S.M. Dzhibilov, L.R. Gulueva, V.A. Tekhova // Mekhanizatsiya i elektrifikatsiya sel'skogo khozyaystva. 2006. № 10. S.10–11.

Bolieva  Z.A.  The  use  of  snow  technology  elements  in  combination with  natural  agricultural  ores  in  pre-planting  of  potato  tubers

Abstract. The present article dwells upon the results of the effect of low temperatures study in combination with natural agricultural ores (leskenit, alanit and irlit-1) for the duration of the vegetative season, the formation of leaf area, the biochemical composition of the pulp, tuber’s stability to illnesses and potato yield. The snow technology elements use efficiency has been proved in combination with natural agricultural ores.
Keywordsрotatoes, snow technology, alanit, leskenit, irlit-1.
1. Andrianova Y.L., Tarchevsky N.A. Chlorophyll and plant productivity. M.: Science. 2000. 135p.
2. Bekuzarova S.A., Bolieva ZA, Basiev S.S., Doeva L.Y. A method of preparing potatoes for planting.A patent for an invention RUS 05/21/2013 2549293.
3. Bolieva Z.A. Influence of natural agroores and growth stimulants on productivity and quality of a potato in forest-steppe and mountain areas of North Ossetia-Alania.Thesis for a candidate degree for Agricultural Sciences / Gorsky State Agrarian University.Vladikavkaz. 2010.
4. Bolieva Z.A., Doeva L.Y., Soldatova T.B., Draeva L.B., Batsazova T.M. The use of zeolite clays to enhance productivity and marketability of potato tubers.Scientific life.№ 4. 2012. pp 15-21.
5. Bolieva Z.A., Doeva L.Y., Lihnenko S.V. Evaluation of the quality of tubers of domestic and foreign varieties of potato in the conditions of a foothill zone of North Ossetia-Alania. Scientific life. 2015. №1. P. 70-73.
6. Bolieva ZA, Doeva L.Y., Tedeyeva A.A., Draeva L.B. Influence tseolitsoder-containing clay-productivity and quality of a potato. News of Gorsky State Agrarian University. 2013. T. 50. № 1. P. 80 - 84.
7. Doeva L.Y. Influence biomeliorants and fertilizers on fertility black soil and potato productivity in steppe zone of North Ossetia-Alania. Thesis for a candidate degree for Agricultural Sciences / Gorsky State Agrarian University.Vladikavkaz. 2006.
8. Doeva L.Y., Mamiev D.M., Bolieva Z.A. Soil fertility and potato products in the application of fertilizers and biomeliorants in North Ossetia-Alania. Fertility. 2010. №3 P.31-32.
9. Pushkarev N.S., Belous A.M. Introduction to cryobiology. Kiev. "NaukovaDumka". 1995.
10. Mist II Physiological basis hardiness of crops. - M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1970. 152p.
11. Udovenko G.V. The mechanisms of plant adaptation to stress // Physiology and biochemistry of cultivated plants. 1979. № 2. P.99-107.
12. Cold stress and biological systems (edited Tsutsieva AA) Kiev, "NaukovaDumka". 1991.


Mzokov А. The review of I.S. Bigulaeva’s book «Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov: the scientific biography»

Chibirov A.L. The review of Yu.A. Dzittsoity’s book «Questions of the Ossetian philology»;


Belous  L.V.  Lomonosov  or  Hirsh?


Mathematical  forum

Review  of  the  printed  publications  of  the  VSC


The  90-th  anniversary  of  Professor  V.А.  Kuznetsov