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Milyukov V.К., Drobishev V.N., Mironov А.P., Steblov G.M., Hubaev H.М. Оssetian geodetic satellite network: creation and first results of geodinamic monitoring.

The Ossetian part of the Greater Caucasus, being one of the most tectonically active regions of the Caucasus, until recently wasn't covered by the high-precision geodetic measurements based on satellite methods. Since 2010 the network of geodetic points for carrying out the periodically - repeated measurements by the mobile GPS equipment was developed in this region by the аuthors of this work, and also three permanent GPS stations were established. The technique of data processing and results of GPS measurements in 2010-2013 are given in this work. Estimates of velocities of horizontal movements are given in three reference systems: in the terrestrial coordinate system ITRF2008, relative to fixed Eurasia and in the local reference system determined by the stationary station ARDN. The obtained results, besides the general submeridional movement of the region connected with convergence of the Eurasian and Arabian plates, revealed a number of the tectonic features caused, apparently, by continuing local processes of formation of the tectonic structure of this region.

Keywords: satellite geodesy, GPS measurements, modern earth crust motion, regional tectonic processes.
1. Barkovskaya K.S., Bezborodov R.S., Brod I.O., Bun'kov M.S., Grinfel'd M.I., Zhivago N.V., Ibragimov D.M., Kudryavtsev M.P., Leonov G.P., Moskvin M.M., Nazarov R.I., Nesmeyanov D.V., Nikolenko V.A. Geologicheskoe stroenie vostochnoy chasti severnogo sklona Kavkaza. Tr. Kompleksn. yuzhnoy geol. ekspeditsii. Vyp. 2. – L.: Gostoptekhizdat. 1960. 320 s.
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6. Shevchenko V.I., Guseva T.V., Lukk A.A., Mishin A.V., Prilepin M.T., Reylindzher R.E., Khamburger M.U., Shempelev A.G., Yunga S.L. Sovremennaya geodinamika Kavkaza (po rezul'tatam GPS izmereniy i seysmologicheskim dannym) // Fizika Zemli. 1999. № 9. S. 3–18.
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11. Herring T.A., King R.W., McClusky S.C. Introduction to GAMIT/GLOBK. Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2010. 12
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14. McClusky S., Balassanian S., Barka A., Demir C., Ergintav S., Georgiev I., Gurkan O., Hamburger M., Hurst K., Kahle H., Kastens K., Kekelidze G., King R., Kotzev V., Lenk O., Mahmoud S., Mishin A., Nadariya M., Ouzounis A., Paradissis D., Peter Y., Prilepin M., Reilinger R., Sanli I., Seeger H., Tealeb A.,Toksüz M.N., Veis G. Global Positioning System constraints on plate kinematics and dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean and Caucasus // Journal of Geophysical Research. 2000. V. 105. Issue B3. P. 5695–5719.
15. Milyukov Vadim, Alexander Kopaev, Vladimir Zharov, Alexey Mironov, Andrey Myasnikov, Mark Kaufman, Dmitry Duev. Monitoring crustal deformations in the Northern Caucasus using a high precision long base laser strainmeter and the GPS/GLONASS network // Journal of Geodynamics. 2010. V. 49. No. 3-4. P. 216-223.
16. Reilinger R., McClusky S., Souter B., Hamburger M., Prilepin M., Mishin A., Guseva T., Balassanian S. Preliminary estimates of plate convergence in the Caucasus collision zone from global positioning system measurements // Geophysical Research Letters. 1997.V. 24 No 14. P. 1815–1818.
17. Reilinger R., McClusky S., Vernant P., Lawrence S., Ergintav S., Cakmak R., Ozener H., Kadirov F., Guliev I., Stepanyan R., Nadariya M., Hahubia G., Mahmoud S., Sakr K., ArRajehi A., Paradissis D., Al-Aydrus A., Prilepin M., Guseva T., Evren E., Dmitrotsa A., Filikov S.V., Gomez F., Al-Ghazzi R., and Gebran Karam. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions // Journal of Geophysical Research. 2006.V. 111. No. B5. P. B05411.

Gazeev V.M., Gurbanov A.G., Lexin A. B., Goldsman Yu. V., Oleinikova T.I. A new isotope-geochemical and mineralogenical data on Early-Jurassic Marinsky volcano-plutonic complex (river Podkumok head, Karachaevsky volcanic area, North Caucasus).

The paper is devoted to solving of the important for the Great Caucasus geology problem – «The sources of melts, paleogeodynamic conditions, existing during Early-Alpine volcanic activity at the southern margin of the Eastern European Platform and its role in shaping of the continental crust» and «Minerageny of the Early-Alpine magmatic complexes». In the context of these problems the investigations was aimed on solving of the following task: petrochemical, mineralogical, geochemical, isotope and mineragenic characteristics of the rocks of the Early-Alpine magmatic complexes of the Great Caucasus. The representative samples from rocks of Marinsky complex (MC) was collected and investigated by modern analytical methods (XFA, ICP MS, isotope analyses). Petrology-geochemical and isotope (87Sr/86Sr – in andesite-basalt=0.7054–0.7059; in andesite= 0.7045 and 143Nd/ 144Nd – 0.51248 и 0.51252, εNd(Т)=1.85–2.72, respectively) peculiarities of the Low-Jurassic volcanites of MC (andesite-basalt, andesite, andesi-dacite and dacite)/ situated at the southern part of Scythian Platform have been revealed. On the diagnosis, performance and composition diagram the dots of volcanic rocks of MC are situated in fields of rocks which have been origin in active continental margin or in continental arc island. Double-faced characteristics was depends upon by lesser (thickness 40–45 km) of continental lithosphere of Scythian Platform, than in classic an active continental margin of Andian type (thickness 60-70 km) and lager, than in continental arc island (thickness 15–25km). The role of the Early-Alpine volcanic belt, including its part - Marinsky complex, in forming the continental crust of the Great Caucasus, judging from, volumes of effusive and intrusive material, is rather significantly.

Keywords: Marinsky volcano-plutonic complex; petrochemical, geochemical, isotope and mineragenic data; geodynamic paleoconditions; minerageny of the Early-Alpine magmatizm.
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Milyukov V.К., Drobishev V.N., Mironov А.P., Ovsyuchenko A.N., Hubaev H.М. Implementation of the high-precision geodetic network for studying of modern movements of the Vladikavkaz fault zone with use of GPS technology.

The Vladikavkaz Fault Zone is a regional boundary between the Alpine folded-block system of the Great Caucasus and the Pre-Caucasus foredeep (Ossetian depression). Studying of modern crust movements in contact zones and the fault structures is essential both for the correct understanding of modern dynamics of earth's plates and blocks, and deep forces and internal processes, managing their evolution. In 2014 within realisation of the plan of research works of VNC of RAS- Government RSO-Alania and the project of the RFBR on studying of modern geodynamics and a deep structure of the TheVladikavkaz Fault Zone the geodetic network for monitoring of the state of this structure with use of satellite geodesy technology has been created. Results are presented in this paper.

Keywords: satellite geodesy, GPS measurements, modern earth crust motion, regional tectonic processes.
1. Ovsyuchenko A.N., Gorbatikov A.V., Stepanova M.Yu., Larin N.V., Rogozhin E.A. Seysmotektonika i glubinnoe stroenie zony Vladikavkazskogo aktivnogo razloma. // GEOFIZIChESKIE ISSLEDOVANIYa. Tom 12, 2011, № 1, s. 47–59.
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3. Herring T.A., King R.W., McClusky S.C. Introduction to GAMIT/GLOBK. Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2010.
4. Milyukov V., Kopaev A., Zharov V., Mironov A., Myasnikov A., Kaufman M., Duev D. Monitoring crustal deformations in the Northern Caucasus using a high precision long base laser strainmeter and the GPS/GLONASS network // Journal of Geodynamics, 2010 (49), pp. 216–223. DOI:10.1016/j.jog.2009.10.003

Drobyshev C.N., Torchinov H-M.Z., Tutubalina, O.C., Hubaev H.M. Main topographical data and kinematics of the Devdorakskiy collapse on may 17, 2014

In the present work, the material characterizing the main topographical and dynamic parameters of ice-rock collapse in the valley river Terek and Georgian Military road from the Devdorak glacier May 17, 2014. There is not unsubstantiated assumption about anticipatory activation of magmatic factor that played a role root cause that triggered a powerful exogenous movement catastrophic level in the area of Kazbegi volcanic centre.


L.A. Voropanova, F.A. Gagievа. Sorption of anions of rhenium (VII), molybdenum (VI) and tungsten (VI) from water solutions on the anionits of the brands AMP and AM-2b.

Researches of ion-exchange extraction of ions of rhenium, molybdenum and tungsten at their joint presence at solution on a gel anionit of the AMP brand and a macroporous anionit of the AM-2b brand are conducted. Optimum conditions of sorption are revealed, comparison of the received results on sorbents of AMP and AM-2b is carried out. The assessment of possibility of application of the specified sorbents for joint and selective extraction of rhenium, molybdenum and tungsten from water solutions is given.

Keywords: tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, anionit, secondary waste, selectivity, extraction, sorption, ionic exchange, division.
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Dzugaev K.G. South Ossetia and the precedent of Crimea.

The article considers the problem of the reunion of divided Ossetian people, discusses the need for the entry the Republic of South Ossetia into the Russian Federation in the light of the precedent of Crimea and analyses the positions of political parties and religious confessions.

Keywords: Ossetia, Russia, reunion, Crimea, Islam.


Chibirov L.A. The politician. The statesman. Scientist

The article is devoted to AkhsarbekGalasov, the first President of the Republic North Ossetia-Alania. Alongside with being an outstanding state and political figure professor Galasov is an author of many linguistic researches which made significant contribution to the academic science in the Republic.

Keywords: South Ossetia, perestroika, the 90-s, conflict, interethnic relations, peaceful settlement, Caucasus, scientificresearch.
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Dzidzoev V. D., Beteeva M.M. The analysis of the Constitution and Constitutional problems of the Russian Federation (book review: Tsaliev A.M. Sketches on the Constitution and constitutional law issues)

Osmanov A.I., Shavlokhova E.S., Matveev V.A. Review on book «The problems and prospects of perfecting of national policies and Russian federalism» by V.D. Dzidzoev and F.В. Msoeva

Chibirov L.A., Chibirov А.L. Review on monography «The origin of the Nart Epos» of M. Djurtubayev

Khugaev I.S. Actual problems of modern education in terms of bilingualism: proceedings of the II all-Russian conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of Professor K. E. Gagkaeva


Vladikavkaz regional Playground of the IV all-Russian science Festival

International conference «Geodynamics, vulcanism, seismicity and exogenous geological processes of natural and anthropogenic nature in the Caucasus


Vladislav Borisovich Zaalishvili – 65 years