Gazeev V.M., Groznova E.O., Galuskin E.V., Galuskina I.O., Gurbanov A.G. Carbonaceous xenolithes in effusives of the Pliocene-Quaternary volcanoes of the Greate Caucasus: geochemistry, thermobarogeochemistry, mineralogy
Abstract. The distribution of petrogenic, volatiles and ore elements on the boundary of carbonaceous xenolithes - effusive rock have been investigated. The effect on contact alkalization of of effusive rocks, zoning in the distribution of K2O, Na2O, МgO, S, Cl, As, Мо, U, Sb were established. The primary gaseous, gaseous-liquid and fluid inclusions were investigated in minerals of xenolithes. The conclusion about heterogeneous state of mineral forming fluid in period of origin of high-temperature skarn on carbonaceous xenoliths, was done. The photographies, plots,mineralogical table and tables with a results of microtermometry of fluid inclusions and XRF, INNA analysis are exhibited. Explanation for observed phenomenones.
Keywords: volcanoes, effusive rocks, carbonaceous xenoliths, skarnes, geochemistry, fluid inclusions.
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Kirichko Y.A. Unidirectional rotation of the foundation blocks, as a mechanism for reducing the basement size fold system (for example, the Central Caucasus) Part № 2
Abstract.For the Cimmerian and Alpine stages in the development of the Central Caucasus (CC) considered mechanism of folding, taking into account the nature of the block structure of the basement, occurrence mantle relics and especially manifestations of folded deformations. Determining the mechanism of formation is a folding rigid unidirectional rotation of the foundation blocks. The rotation mechanism is seen as part of a three-layer model of the Earth’s crust that included the following layers: the bottom - high ductility; medium - hard, broken obliquely intersecting planes at an angle of 45 ° at the top and a series rhombohedra - Plastic responsible sedimentary cover. Formation of folding during the rotation of the foundation blocks due to the presence of horizontal compression forces, reduction of the surface of the hard base and the presence of synchronous current divergent vertical forces acting on the block boundaries. Within the CC released 10 major large blocks, with signs of the rotary mechanism, much of which previously stood as elevations and depressions Rotary mechanism allows the block to explain the main features of the geological structure of the CC: the manifestation of a full-scale folding in the bag, while maintaining the stratigraphic relationships between cover and basement; heterogeneity of manifestations of deformation in a case, and
others. Described representation is a simplified version, which allows to understand the conceptual framework of the proposed mechanism and outline consequences arising from it.
An essential element of the rotary mechanism of the block is the recognition of the concept of fault with consistently changing position shifter plane. Recognition of rotational deformation blocks and limiting their structural joints enhances the structural and geological analysis.
KeywordsCentral Caucasus, foundation, cover, depression, depression, elevation, mechanism of folding, the reduction of the size of the hard basement, the rotation of the blocks of basement, dynamic fault
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