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Dostoevsky  F.M.  From  «The  writer’s  diary  (1877)»


Khugayev  I.S.  A  corny  joke


Soldiery  diaries  of  A.I.  Tokaev


Dzidzoev  V.D.  Abkhazia  and  South  Ossetia  are  sovereign,  democratic,  legal  young  states  of  the  South  Caucasus:  political  and  legal  aspects

Abstract. The article deals with the problem to find sovereignty of Abkhazia and South Ossetia recognized in August 2008 by the Russian Federation and then by some other countries. The concept of sovereignty is the most important one in the state and international law. The author considers the sovereignty essence relating to Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Keywords: Russia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, state, national politics, legal framework, federalism, interethnic relation, state-building, sovereignty, national liberation struggle, partnership, ethnopolitics, federal centre, war, peaceful settlement, democracy, Russian and Georgian relations, Ossetian and Georgian relationship, Georgian and Abkhazian relationships, geopolitics.
1. Achugba T.A. O natsional’nom sostave Abkhazii: vtorayapolovina XIX–XX vv. – Sukhum, 1999.
2. Achugba T.A. K obosnovaniyu statusa «gruzinskikh bezhentsev». – Sukhum, 2006.
3. Dzidzoev V.D. Natsional’nye otnosheniya na Kavkaze. – Vladikavkaz, 1995; 1997; 2000.
4. Dzidzoev V.D. Natsional’naya politika: uroki opyta. – Vladikavkaz, 1994; 1998; 2002.
5. Dzidzoev V.D. Problema stabilizatsii mezhnatsional’nykh otnosheniy na Severnom Kavkaze: opyt, tendentsii, itogi // ProblemyistoriinarodovSevernogo Kavkaza: mezhnatsional’nyeotnosheniya (XX–XXI vv.). – M., 2009.
6. Dzidzoev V.D. Konstitutsiya nepravogo Gruzinskogo gosudarstva kak osnovanie anneksii YuzhnoyOsetii i genotsida yuzhnykh osetin (Materialy VI s’’ezda osetinskogo naroda 18–19 sentyabrya 2007 g. v Tskhinvale). – Vladikavkaz, 2009. S. 172–180.
7. Chibirov A.L. YuzhnayaOsetiya: ternistyy put’ k priznaniyu nezavisimosti // Istoricheskiy i pravovoy vestnik (Sbornik nauchnykh trudov). Vypusk 3 i 4.Vladikavkaz, 2010. S. 43–49.
8. Abdullaev M.-Z.N. Mestnye yuridicheskie obychai i traditsionnye sistemy prava v regulirovanii mezhetnicheskikh otnosheniy v Respublike Dagestan // Istoricheskiy i pravovoy vestnik (Sbornik nauchnykh trudov). Vypusk 3 i 4.Vladikavkaz, 2010. S. 68–70.
9. Gabaraev A.Sh. Priznanie nezavisimosti Respubliki Yuzhnaya Osetiya i Respubliki Abkhaziya v kontekste razvitiya rossiyskogo federalizma // Istoricheskiy i pravovoy vestnik (Sbornik nauchnykh trudov). Vypusk 3 i 4.Vladikavkaz, 2010. S. 188–194.
10. Tadtaev T.V. Natsional’no-osvoboditel’naya bor’ba v Yuzhnoy Osetii v nachale XX v. (1900–1922 gg.). – Tskhinval, 2014.
11. Yuridicheskaya entsiklopediya. Izdanie pyatoe, dopolnennoe i pererabotannoe (pod red.M.Yu. Tikhomirova). – M., 2007.
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13. Konstitutsiya Respubliki Abkhaziya. – Sukhum, 1994.
14. Konstitutsiya (Osnovnoy zakon) Respubliki Yuzhnaya Osetiya. – Tskhinval, 2007.
15. Levin I.D. Suverenitet. – SPb., 2003.
16. Palienko. Suverenitet. – Yaroslavl’, 1903.
17. Chirkin V.E. Netipichnye formy v sovremennom gosudarstve // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1994. № 1.l


Chibirov  L.A.  The  right  arm  –  the  sword  arm:  scythian-ossetian  parallels

Abstract. Together with the further study of Indo-European cultural world, the Scythian Ossetianethnocultural parallels discover themselves distinctly. A perfect illustration to the aforesaid is the undermentioned materials about the Scythian tradition of cutting off the right hand, remnantly saved in the folklore and ethnography of the Ossetians.
KeywordsRight hand.The Scythians. Herodotus. Ossetians. Historical chants. Fairy-tales.Infamous death.
1. Elagina N.G. Skifskie antropomorfnye stely Nikolaevskogo muzeya // SZ, 1959, № 2.
2. Abaev V.I. Osetinskiy yazyk i fol'klor. – M.-L., 1949.
3. Gerodot. Istoriya v devyati knigakh. Perevod i primechaniya G.A. Stratanovskogo. – L., 1972.
4. Materialy po arkheologii i drevney istorii Severnoy Osetii, t.1. – Ordzh.,1961.
5.Yatsenko S.Ya. O preemstvennosti mifologicheskikh obrazov rannikh srednevekovykh alan // Problemy etnografii osetin. Vyp. 2. – Vl., 1992.
6. Grisvar Zh. Motiv mecha, broshennogo v ozero: smert' Artura i smert' Batradza // Epos i mifologiya osetin i mirovaya kul'tura. – Vl.,2001.
7. Osetinskie nartskie skazaniya. – Dzaudzhikau, 1948.
8. Pamyatniki narodnogo tvorchestva osetin. – Vl.,1925.
9. Tsagaraev V.A. Zolotaya yablonya nartov. – Vl., 2000.
10. Periodicheskaya pechat' Kavkaza ob Osetii i osetinakh. Kn.2.– Vl.,1982.
11. Skazaniya o nartakh. – Tskhinval, 1981.
12. Grantovskiy E.A. O nekotorykh materialakh po obshchestvennomu stroyu skifov // Kavkaz i Srednyaya Aziya v drevnosti i srednevekov'ye. – M., 1981.
13. Sharashidze Zh. Indoevropeyskaya pamyat' Kavkaza. – Vl., 2004.
14. Abaev V.I. Istoriko-etimologicheskiy slovar' osetinskogo yazyka. T.1. – M.,1958.
15. Dzhussoev N.G. Osetinskoe zastol'ye i skifo-nartskoe obshchestvo // Evraziyskaya Skifiya.
16. Dyumezil'. Osetinskiy epos i mifologiya. – M., 1976.

Chibirov  A.L.  To  the  50th  anniversary  of  the  all-union  scientific  session  on  ethnogenesis  of  the  ossetian  people

Abstract.The problem of ethnogenesis of every nation is one of the most difficult in historical science. The most difficult in determining the genesis of the Ossetian people is the language, Iranian on sounding. Determining the ethnogenesis of the Ossetian the special scientific session on ethnogenesis of the Ossetian people was summoned in October, 1966. The directorates of the North Ossetian research institute in the person of the director Chedzhemov H. S. and the South Ossetian research institute presented by his head GabarayevS.Sh. have become its organizers.
Keywordsаlans, оssetians, session, Abaev, Krupnov
1. G.F. Miller. O narodakhizdrevle v Rossiiobitavshikh. – Sank-Peterburg, 1773 g. S. 15.
2. Proiskhozhdenie osetinskogo naroda. – Ordzhonikidze: Severo-Osetinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1967 g. S. 319.


Naifonova  F.Т.  Article  by  B.U.  Cherdzhiev  «On  cranial  surgery  of  the  ancient  Ossetians»


Gazeev  V.M.,  Groznova  E.O.,  Galuskin  E.V.,  Galuskina  I.O.,  Gurbanov  A.G.  Carbonaceous  xenolithes  in  effusives  of  the  Pliocene-Quaternary  volcanoes  of  the  Greate  Caucasus:  geochemistry,  thermobarogeochemistry,  mineralogy

Abstract. The distribution of petrogenic, volatiles and ore elements on the boundary of carbonaceous xenolithes - effusive rock have been investigated. The effect on contact alkalization of of effusive rocks, zoning in the distribution of K2O, Na2O, МgO, S, Cl, As, Мо, U, Sb were established. The primary gaseous, gaseous-liquid and fluid inclusions were investigated in minerals of xenolithes. The conclusion about heterogeneous state of mineral forming fluid in period of origin of high-temperature skarn on carbonaceous xenoliths, was done. The photographies, plots,mineralogical table and tables with a results of microtermometry of fluid inclusions and XRF, INNA analysis are exhibited. Explanation for observed phenomenones.
Keywords: volcanoes, effusive rocks, carbonaceous xenoliths, skarnes, geochemistry, fluid inclusions.
1. Varlakov A.S. K voprosu o dedolomitizatsii i obrazovanii magnezitov // DAN SSSR 1960. T. 134. № 2. S. 425–428.
2. Gazeev V.M., Zadov A.E., Gurbanov A.G., idr. Redkie mineraly Verkhnechegemskoy kal'dery (v ksenolitakh skarnirovannykh izvestnyakov iz ignimbritov) // RAN. Vest. VNTs. 2006. T. 6. 1. S. 18–27.
3. Gazeev V.M., Gurbanova O.A., Zadov A.E. idr. Mineralogiya skarnirovannykh izvestkovykh ksenolitov vulkana Shadil-khokh (Kel'skiy vulkanicheskiy rayon Bol'shogo Kavkaza) // RAN. Vest. VNTs. 2012.T. № 2. S. 23–33.
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6. Zadov A.E., Gazeev V.M., Pertsev N.N. i dr. Prirodnyy analog kal'tsio-olivina (Ɣ – Ca2SiO4): nakhodkaiissledovanie // DAN. 2008 T. 423.№ 4. S. 520–523.
7. Zadov A.E., Gazeev V.M., Karimova O.V., i dr. Magnezioneptunit KNa2Li(Mg,Fe)2Ti2Si8O24 – novyy mineral gruppyneptunita // ZRMO, 2011. № 1. S. 57– 66.

Kirichko  Y.A.  Unidirectional  rotation  of  the  foundation  blocks,  as  a  mechanism  for  reducing  the  basement  size  fold  system  (for  example,  the  Central  Caucasus)  Part  № 2

Abstract.For the Cimmerian and Alpine stages in the development of the Central Caucasus (CC) considered mechanism of folding, taking into account the nature of the block structure of the basement, occurrence mantle relics and especially manifestations of folded deformations. Determining the mechanism of formation is a folding rigid unidirectional rotation of the foundation blocks. The rotation mechanism is seen as part of a three-layer model of the Earth’s crust that included the following layers: the bottom - high ductility; medium - hard, broken obliquely intersecting planes at an angle of 45 ° at the top and a series rhombohedra - Plastic responsible sedimentary cover. Formation of folding during the rotation of the foundation blocks due to the presence of horizontal compression forces, reduction of the surface of the hard base and the presence of synchronous current divergent vertical forces acting on the block boundaries. Within the CC released 10 major large blocks, with signs of the rotary mechanism, much of which previously stood as elevations and depressions Rotary mechanism allows the block to explain the main features of the geological structure of the CC: the manifestation of a full-scale folding in the bag, while maintaining the stratigraphic relationships between cover and basement; heterogeneity of manifestations of deformation in a case, and others. Described representation is a simplified version, which allows to understand the conceptual framework of the proposed mechanism and outline consequences arising from it. An essential element of the rotary mechanism of the block is the recognition of the concept of fault with consistently changing position shifter plane. Recognition of rotational deformation blocks and limiting their structural joints enhances the structural and geological analysis.
KeywordsCentral Caucasus, foundation, cover, depression, depression, elevation, mechanism of folding, the reduction of the size of the hard basement, the rotation of the blocks of basement, dynamic fault
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Abaev A.A., Mamiev D.M. Adaptive-landscape systems of farming for submountain and mountain zones of the RNO-Alania

Abstract. Adaptive landscape systems of agriculture intended for the transition of agricultural producers of various forms of ownership to modern farming technologies that take into account specific, landscape-ecological conditions of North Ossetia-Alania. Their zoning provides an increase in the productivity of arable land and the profitability of production by 10–12 %.
Keywords: landscapes, crop rotation, agrotechnology, agroecological grouping of lands, agricultural crops.
1. Abaev A.A., Adinyaev E.D., Mamiev D.M., Kuchiev S.E. The system of reproduction of fertility of chernozem soils in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Scientific basis for preventing the degradation of soils (lands) of agricultural lands in Russia and the formation of systems for the reproduction of their fertility in adaptive-landscape agriculture: T.3. Regional systems for reproduction of soil fertility and conservation of agricultural land. - Moscow., 2013.296. (P.253-264.).
2. Abaev A.A., Bekuzarova S.A., Mamiev D.M., Tedeeva A.A., Shalygina A.A. Method of placing crops on sloping lands. Patent №2508623 dated 10.03.2014.
3. Edinyaev E.D. Agriculture of mountain and slope lands. Vladikavkaz. 2010. - 672 p.
4. Kummiev E.I., Mamiev D.M. Ecological problems of mountain landscape ecosystems of the North Caucasus. Scientific life. 2014. №4. C.77-81.
5.Mamiev D.M., Abaev A.A., Tedeeva A.A, Gherieva F.T. Schemes of crop rotations for agroclimatic subzones of the foothill zone of North Ossetia-AlaniaVestnik of the agro-industrial complex of Stavropol. 2015.-№3.-P.158-161. .
6.Mamiev D.M. Improved crop rotations for the mountainous zone of North Ossetia-Alania. Scientific life. 2013. № 2. P.49-53.
7.Mamiev D.M., Abaev A.A. Perfection of the structure of crop rotations in adaptive-landscape agriculture for the mountainous zone of North Ossetia-Alania. Bulletin of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Stavropol Region 2016.№ 2. (22). C.214-219.
8.Mamiev D.M., Abaev A.A., Kumsyev E.I., Shalygina A.A. The improved structure of acreage areas for various agroecological groups of lands in the foothill zone. Scientific life. 2016. №6. P.37-46.
9.Mamiev D.M., Abaev A.A., Tedeeva A.A. Biological intensification of the link of grain-growing crop rotation. Scientific life. 2014. №3. C.26-29.
10.Mamiev D.M., Abaev A.A., Tedeeva A.A., Kuchiev S.E. Development of an adaptive landscape farming system for the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. IzvestiyaGorsky State Agrarian University. -T. 49. № 4. 2012. P.79-83.
11.Mamiev D.M., Abaev A.A., Shalygina A.A.The improved structure of sown areas and crop rotations for the foothill zone of North Ossetia-Alania.IzvestiyaGorsky State Agrarian University. T. 51. № 1. 2014. C32-36.
12.Mamiev D.M., Gherieva F.T. Adaptive landscape farming systems of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania: problems and tasks Materials of the V international scientific-practical conference "Prospects and features of the integration processes of North and South Ossetia". 2015. P.161-171.
13.Mamiev D.M., Kumsiev E.I., Shalygina A.A.The structure of crop rotations for the mountainous zone of North Ossetia-Alania in adaptive-landscape agriculture.Scientific life. 2014. №6. P.72-76.
14.Mamiev D.M., Misik N.A., Shalygina A.A. Soil-protection crop rotations for the mountains of North Ossetia-Alania. Scientific life. 2012. № 4. P.116-117.
15.Mamiev D.M., Tedeeva A.A., Shalygina A.A. Scientifically grounded methods of land use in North Ossetia-Alania. Science and peace. 2013. №1. C-123-124.
16. Methodological guidelines. Agroecological assessment of lands, design of adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture andAgrotechnology.Under the editorship of A.L. Ivanova and V.I. Kiryushin. FGNU "Rosinformagrotekh". - Moscow, 2005. - 784 p.
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Dzidzoev V.D. A review of professor B.A. Trekhbratov’s book «Who is who in Kuban region studies»


The  ХIII  th  «Kolmogorov’s  Reading»  in  Vladikavkaz

А review  of  the  printed  publications  of  the  VSC


The  80-th  anniversary  of  Professor  S.A.  Bekuzarova

The  80-th  anniversary  of  PhD  A.G.  Gurbanov

The  80-th  anniversary  of  Professor  T.P.  Lolaev

The  75-th  anniversary  of  PhD  E.D.  Soldatov

The  70-th  anniversary  of  Kh. M.  Khubaev

Congratulations  to  professor  V.D.  Dzidzoev

Congratulations  to  youths  of  scientists


Nafi  Grigorievich  Dzhusoyty