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CONTENTS #2 2023


Carl Gustav Jung: «I know that demons exist»



Chshiev V.T. Historical and cultural monuments of antiquity and the Middle Ages near the village of Dzivgis in the Alagirsky district of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Abstract. The article examines the monuments of medieval architecture also ancient and medieval archaeological sites located near the village of Dzivgis in the mountainous part of the Alagirsky district in the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania. Located in an advantageous position from the point of view of fortification, the medieval Dzivgis defensive complex played an important role in the past in protecting the population of the Kurtatinsky Gorge from enemy invasions, as well as in controlling caravans moving through this gorge to the passes of the Main Caucasian Ridge.
Keywords: Objects of cultural heritage of the Paleolithic, Bronze Age, Middle Ages on the territory of the RNO-A.
For citation: Chshiev V.T. Cultural monuments of the antiquity and middle agesnier the village of Dzivgis in the Alagirdistcrict of RSO-A. // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. № 2.Р. 5–12. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.28.43.001



Gostieva L.K. V.F. Miller and M.K. Gardanov: scientific relations in the field of Ossetian studies
Abstract. The article highlights the scientific ties of the outstanding Russian scientist V.F. Miller with the educator, teacher, famous collector of Digor oral folk art and ethnographic materials M.K. Gardanov (M. Gardanti). Four letters of M.K. Gardanov to a scientist from the funds of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) are analyzed. It is indicated that M.K. Gardanov participated in the work on the translation of folklore texts for the future collection "Digor legends based on the records of Digor residents I.T. Sobiev, K.S. Gardanov and S.A. Tukkaev", with translation and notes by V.F. Miller. M.K. Gardanov's participation in the work on the "Ossetian-Russian-German dictionary" by V.F. Miller was noted.
Keywords: M.K. Gardanov, V.F. Miller, letters, folklore, ethnography, dictionary
For citation: Gostieva L.K. V.F. Miller and M.K. Gardanov: scientific relations in the field of ossetian studies // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 2.Р. 13–19. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.96.13.001

Dzidzoev V.D., Dzugaev K.G. Repressions 1937–1938 in South Ossetia: «special circumstances»
Abstract. The current state of the problem of repressions in South Ossetia is considered, the latest version of the list of the repressed is published. The latest archival data on the topic are given
Keywords: list of repressed, Georgia, South Ossetia, rehabilitation
For citation: Dzidzoev V.D., Dzugaev K.G. Repressions 1937–1938 in South Ossetia: «special circumstances» // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 2.Р. 20–23. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.30.47.001

BatagovaL.Kh. Mass defense work in North Ossetia in the 1930 s
Abstract. The article discusses the main directions, forms and methods of mass defense work in North Ossetia. The basis of the research is the materials identified in the archives of the republic and introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, allowing an objective assessment of the effectiveness of mass defense work.
Keywords: mass defense work, North Ossetia,defense societies
For citation: BatagovaL.Kh. Defense-mass work in North Ossetia in the 1930 s. // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No 2. Р. 24–29. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.97.34.001

KagazezhevZh.V. From the History of the Circassian-Horde Relations: Circassian Khan – Ruler of the Golden Horde (UlusDzhuchi)
Abstract. The article examines the activities and causes of the rise of Cherkes-Khan - one of the outstanding figures of the epoch of feudal strife in the Golden Horde (UlusDzhuchi) in 1360-1370-ies Cherkes-Khan. He held the central regions of the Golden Horde for a long period of time, surpassing many Chinggisids and Horde warlords in power. Despite his special importance in the politics of the Golden Horde, there are no special studies devoted to Cherkes' activities. The article for the first time analyzes the reasons of Cherkes' political rise, connected, first of all, with a special role of the Circassian military contingents in the Golden Horde. Thanks to his uncommon qualities, not being Chingizid, or even a descendant of the Horde nobility, Cherkes managed to come to power in Astrakhan, and later in Sarai, ruling successfully for many years. The activity of Cherkes led to the rise of Astrakhan: and he himself is one of the outstanding political leaders of the Golden Horde of the second half of the 14th century.
Keywords: Golden Horde, Circassia, Haji Cherkes, Astrakhan, dynastic crisis, Sarai
For citation: KagazezhevZh.V. From the History of the Circassian-Horde Relations: Circassian Khan – Ruler of the Golden Horde (UlusDzhuchi) // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No 2. Р. 30–34. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.59.52.001



Khadikova A.Kh. Ethnic personality in the Ethno-cultural space of the Ossetian ethnos: historical and retrospective aspect of the problem
Abstract. Based on the analysis of empirical material collected by the author using a historical-retrospective approach, the article examines the phenomenon of "ethnic personality" as a completely viable factor in the ethno-cultural continuity of modern Ossetians. The study was carried out within the framework of historical anthropology, which means that the main subject of research - the properties of an ethnic personality, as well as specific stereotypes and behavioral programs embodying them, are considered in a historical context. The specific criteria of the phenomenon of "ethnic personality" and those aspects of its ethno-cultural accompaniment that are positively assessed by young Ossetians and are still present in their judgments about the basic values and socio-cultural accumulations of their own people are revealed.
Keywords: ethnic personality, ethnophore, ethnostereotypes, ethical and communicative programs, modern incarnations, ethno-cultural continuity
For citation: KhadikovaA.Kh. Ethnic personality in the Ethno-cultural space of the modern Ossetian ethnos and in the historical and retrospective context of the problem // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No 2. Р. 35–42. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.34.25.001



Tekhov T.T. And our life is funny and sad(About the tragicomic in the work of Sergey Khugaev)
Abstract. People's Writer of Ossetia Sergey Khugaev made a worthy contribution to Ossetian literature. The article dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the classic of modern Ossetian literature analyzes samples of his satirical and humorous stories. Exposing the vices of society in them is relevant and close to a contemporary thanks to various artistic techniques, the author's extraordinary approach to a particular problem. Attention is also drawn to the philosophical understanding of reality through the prism of portraying insignificant, as it may seem, everyday life pictures, strokes in the character of characters who turn the life of society into a tragicomedy.
Keywords: Writer Sergey Khugaev, modern Ossetian literature, humorous story, satire, society, morality, human character
For citation: Tekhov T.T. And our life is funny and sad (About the tragicomic in the work of Sergey Khugaev) // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No 2. Р. 43–45. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.34.74.001



GassievaМ.A. Comprehension of the topic of repression by the south ossetian artist KhsarGassiev
Abstract. The cycle of paintings by contemporary South Ossetian artist Kh.I.Gassiev, in which he comprehends the political repressions of 1937–1938. The artist's parents fell under the wave of "great terror" in South Ossetia, he condemns this social phenomenon of a totalitarian state. H. Gassiev's works have become a realistic reflection of the tragic events of the Soviet era.Keywords: political repressions, South Ossetian artist, «enemy of the people», children of the «enemy of the people», «great terror», expectation, memory, grandmother, family
For citation: GassievaМ.A. Comprehension of the topic of repression by the south ossetian artist KhsarGassiev // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No 2. Р. 46–53. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.25.48.001



Gurbanov A.G., Kusraev A.G., Dokuchaev A.Y., Gazeev V.M., Leksin A.B.,Gurbanova O.A. Prospects for discovering noblemetal mineralization on the territoryof the Republic of South Ossetia
Abstract. The Introduction to the article provides brief geological information on the occurrence of gold-platinum mineralization of the black shale type in a number of ore provinces in Russia and the world. It is shown that in 2009-2017years employees of IGEM RAS and KNIO VSC RAS carried out field work on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia (RSO). The main task of the research was to assess individual sections of the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia to identify non-traditional types of minerals in them, including noble metals. The objects of study were: Abueti marble quarry in the valley of the river. Lopanis-Tskhali, (earlier "schlich" native gold was discovered here, and in the area of the Massis-Dzuarserpentinite stock, single signs of minerals of the platinum group were found in the concentrates); tertiary basaltic andesite lavas in the valley of the river. Small Liahva; arsenic ore occurrences in the area of the villages.Aceris-Khevi (valley of the Malaya Liakhva river); and volcanic rocks of the Kelsk volcanic highlands with enclosing black shale carbonaceous strata containing quartz veins and mineralized fault zones.Representative samples were taken from the planned objects to conduct analytical studies using precision quantitative methods (XRF and ICP MS) at the Central Collective Use Center of the IGEM RAS "IGEM - ANALYTICS". The study of ore mineralization was carried out in the Laboratory of Local Methods for Studying Substances, Department of Petrology, Faculty of Geology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov on the microprobe complex "Jeol JSM-6480LV" with a combined system of X-ray spectral microanalysis. The revealed elevated contents of gold, often associated with adakitemagmatism, as well as platinum and platinum group elements (PGE), are of undoubted practical interest, and the first and most promising object for prospecting for noble metals is, in our opinion, the Kelsky volcanic region (KVR). Within its limits, of greatest interest are the vent facies of numerous volcanoes, in which the rocks have undergone the greatest hydrothermal-metasomatic changes (propylitization, beresitization, chloritization, areal silicification), which usually accompaniedore deposition processes. Taking into account the large number of volcanic structures of the central type within the KVС, it is possible that lava-supplying channels and subvolcanic bodies with carbonate rocks (marls, limestones) of rare-metal mineralization with noble metals, new for the region, of the skarn type with noble metals, can be formed at a depth under volcanoes in exocontacts. It was found that in all the analyzed samples, the Pd content is higher than the Pt content. A similar picture wasindirectlyrevealed for the Kadat and Kakadurpolymetallic deposits and for the enclosing black shale carbonaceous terrigenous Early-Middle Jurassic deposits within the Avsandur-Lamandor ore field and for the ore bodies of the Sadon ore field deposits, which is most likely a characteristic feature for the ratio of Pd and Pt contents.in volcanic and terrigenousblack shale carbonaceous rocks on the territory of the republics of North Ossetia-Alania and South Ossetia.
Keywords: Republic of South Ossetia, high content of noble metals (gold, platinum and elements of the platinum group, Kelsky volcanic region
For citation: Gurbanov A.G.,Kusraev A.G.,Dokuchaev A.Y., Gazeev V.M., Leksin A.B., Gurbanova O.A. Prospects for discovering noblemetal mineralization on the territoryof the Republic of South Ossetia // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No 2. Р. 54–70. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.94.26.001

Pliev K.D. Overview of tools and methods for parsing and analyzing full names
Abstract. The basis of this article is a review and analysis of the quality of the parsing and analysis tools of full human names, an overview of the methods and technologies used in them. It was proposed to use dataset for effeciencyanalyzing of tools considered in the article. As a result, knowledge about existing solutions and approaches was generalized and systematized; recommendations were made to interested persons planning to work in this direction
Keywords: NER, full name, name analysis, text analysis, name parsers
For citation: Pliev K.D. Overview of tools and methods for parsing and analyzing full names // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. 2023. Vol. 23. No 2. Р. 71–74. DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.79.12.001


Chibirov L.A. About books and people: how the ideas of some of my books were born and how they came to life

KodalaevaKh.G. Preserve and strengthen the position of the native language. About the scientific work of Professor T. I. Kokoeev «Russian-Ossetian Encyclopedic Dictionary»)


II Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference «Artificial Intelligence in Medicine»

The second North Caucasian Olympiad of intellectual martial artsй «Credo – Knowledge»

The review of the printed publications of VSC


Sergey Zaurbekovich Khugaev is 90 years old


Sergey Khugaev. NartFarnag. An excerpt from a drama in 4 acts. (Translated from Ossetian by Irlan Khugaev)