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Kanukov  I.D.  Antimilitarism

DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23752


Khugaev I. S. The  Alanian  heritage,  or  children  of  lieutenant  Shmidt

DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23754


Chibirov L.A. About the scientific ethics and particularities of the national mentality

Abstract. There is some negative information on a well-known scientist-alanologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences V.A. Kuznetsov's scientific activities that is being disseminated in certain circles of the Ossetian society. This does not make any difference but adversely affects on the mindset of the unenlightened part of the society. As an illustration to the above, the article deals with critical remarks of Yu. Gagloyti on V. Kuznetsov's Ossetian ethnogenesis issues that are far from being impeccable but, what is more, made in an unacceptable, for the scientific ethics, way. Anyway, due to his outstanding studies on the history and culture of the Alans, Kuznetsov had contributed significantly to the historiography of the Ossetian history.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23756

Tuallagov A.A. The frontiers of the Caucasus in the history of the Alans

Abstract. The article deals with the issue of the defensive limes in the Caucasus that had been created by Persians and then by Arabs and Khazars and had an impact on the history of the Alans. The involvement of the Alans, who had had their own experience in creating defense areas, to protection and custom service contributed to the geographical extention of the residence; interethnic, cultural, politico-military and other interactions that affected the development of the Alanian society itself. It contributed to the intensification of the Caucasian mountainous areas inclusion to the places of permanent residence of the Alans.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23757


Kazity  M.R. Benevolence  and  burning  issues  of  the  day:  to  the poetics  of  Sergey  Khugaev’s  humorous  and  satirical  stories (to  the 85th  anniversary  of  the  honored  Ossetian  writer  Sergey  Khugaev)

Abstract. TThe article provides an overall assessment of the honored Ossetian writer Sergey Zaurbekovich Khugaev’s creativity and personality; the writer’s humorous and satirical stories in terms of their genre, compositional and stylistic peculiarities.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23758


Sattsaev E.B. Genesis and transformation of the name of numerals in the ossetian language

Abstract. . In Iranian languages the names of numerals are not the same. In the Ossetian language, the system of numerals retained very archaic features. Numerals in Ossetian are divided into four categories: quantitative, ordinal, distributive and fractional. Among the quantitative numerals, the figure "nine" is of special interest. The model for constructing this figure indicates the existence of the octal number system in Iranian languages.In the Ossetian account over twenty there are two number systems - decimal and twenty, which speaks about the archaism of the names of numerals. Many archaic features were preserved by the Ossetian in terms of the formation of ordinal and distributive numerals. Other entities from the names of numerals in the Ossetian language are descriptive in nature and may not go back to ancient prototypes.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23759


Gazeev  V.M.,  Gurbanov  A.G.,  Gurbanova  O.A.,  Popov S.V.  Collectible minerals  and  ornamental  stones  in  ultrabasite  and  basite  rocks  of the  North  Caucasus

Abstract. Examining geological reports, scientific publications and routing studies minerals and ornamental stones that occur in ultrabasic and basic rocks of the North Caucasus have been identified. It is found that their origin is related to metasomatic processes that occurred in the contacts of ultrabasic rocks, gabbroids and granites and also in the Pre-Jurassic weathering crust and in fault zones. A brief description of the most typical occurrence of collectible minerals and ornament stones has been provided.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23760

Archegova  О.Р.,  Ereminа  A.F.,  Magkoev  Т.Т.,  Pashkov  A.D.  The  Study  of  the  cluster  structure  in  the  ice-water  system  by  the  IR spectroscopy  method

Abstract. In this paper a study of the ice-water system behavior in the field of phase transition using the IR-spectroscopy method has been carried out, which provides real-time information in the melting process up to the room temperature. The sample is filtered membrane purification water that was frozen at a temperature of - 50° C. The analysis of the results shows that in the field of the ice-water phase transition, there occurs a cluster formation process with the emergence of an ordered arrangement atoms areas that preserve the hexagonal ice structure and the appearance of cubic packing of the original tetrahedra as the most stable elementary motifs.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23761

Kuchmasova  A.A.  The  migration  processes  in  the  Republic  of  North Ossetia-Alania

Abstract. The article considers the features of migration process in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania during the period of 2010-2016. Migration flows are analyzed, the share of the main migration flows from North Ossetia is noted. Migration mobility of the population across areas of the Republic, the age composition and educational level of migrants are shown. The issue of refugees and displaced persons is considered. The issues that need to be addressed to improve the social and economic situation in North Ossetia are defined.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23762

Badov  A.D.,  Badov  O.A.  Family  structure,  mariage  and  divorce  rates of  the  population  in  North  Ossetia

Abstract. The peculiarities of marital status, marriage and divorce rates of the population in North Ossetia are investigated. The trends of changes in indicators over the past 60 years, as well as geographical differences within North Ossetia have been revealed. Recommendations to optimize the situation are given. Demographic downfall in the 1990s had the most negative impact on the level of marriages and divorces. A low level of nuptiality in North Ossetia was combined with a high level of divorce. A significant number of people who "missed" their marriage age are still single. The improvement of the social and economic life conditions has had a positive impact on the marital status of the population. In the Republic, the marriage rate has increased and the divorce rate has decreased, so the divorce index and the number of divorces per 1000 marriages have been reduced. In recent times, however, there has been a trend to decrease the number of marriages and to increase the number of divorces. Currently every second marriage breaks up in the region. There is a significant territorial differentiation in terms of marriage and divorce rates. In urban settlements both mariage and divorce rates were significantly higher than in rural areas. The most favorable situation is observed in the Ardon and Kirov districts. The worst situation is in the Mozdok district. There has been a transition from complex families to simple ones in the Republic. In the mid-2010s a small number of people born in the early 1990's began to reach marriageable age, and this can lead to an even more catastrophic demographic situation, or more precisely to a further collapse of the birth rate. In this regard, it is urgent to take concrete actions to improve the demographic situation.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23763


Pashkov S.V., Vilkov V.S. The feasibility of creating and efficiency of new faunal areas in the North Kazakhstan region

Abstract. The article analyzes the efficiency of Aksuatsky and Akzhansky faunal areas creation in the northern (motley-grass) steppe of the North Kazakhstan region, combining steppe and water biotopes which were intended if not to restore then at least to stabilize the condition of fauna in the considered Special Protected Natural Areas. However, change in the number of animals and birds during the period of 2013-2017 testifies the unsteadiness and almost total dependence on natural climatic factors, even being in a state of landscape “conservation” in the reserved mode. Based on the above it has been assumed that the environmental protection measures in the new faunal areas are predominantly palliative, but they have not made any significant contribution to the stabilization of sozological representativity of animals, except of groundhog-baybak, that are being considered by the Special Protected National Areas.
DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.2.23764


The  review  of  the  printed  publications  of  VNC

Interview  with  Ph.D.,  Candidate  of  Physical  and  Mathematical Sciences,  Associate  Professor  of   MIPT  N.  Kh.   Agakhanov


Osmanov A.I.,  Bulatov  B.B.  Ibragimov  A.I.,  Bulatov  B.B.  The  review  of  V.D.  Dzidzoev  and  M.M.  Gadzhiev’s  monograph  «The  National Policy  of  Post-Soviet  Russia  in  the  North  Caucasus  and  the  Problems  of  Overcoming  the  Crisis»


Kanukova Zalina Vladimirovna