Gurbanov A.G.,Vinokurov S.F.,Gaseev V.M.,Lexin A.B., Kusraev A.G., Lolaev A.B.,
Dzeboev S.O., Oganesyan A.Ch., Ilaev V.E., Tsukanova L.E., Gurbanova O.A. Contents
of macro- and minor elements in the surface water at the sadonsky lead-zinc company
(slzc) area of activity and on adjacent territory (Republic of Northern Osetiya-Alaniya, RF)
for revealing of the basic sources of hydrosphere pollution and measures
on recovery of ecosystem
Abstract. According of VSC RAS long-term plans in July of 2015 year the surface channels at the SLZC area of activity and on adjacent territory in the basin of Ardon river have been sampling for subsequent analysis of collected water samples by the accuracy methods. The concentration of macro- and minor elements in water of the Ardon river (from it headstream up
to it outflow on submontane plain near Alagir city) and in its lateral tributary were determined. Ardon river is a basic aquatic artery, which is drain of the SLZC area activity. Results of analytical investigation obtained had helped to revealed in water of Ardon river near it outflow on submontane plain on the southern part of Alagir city, the anomalous concentration a number of elements (Pb, Zn, As, Bi, Sb, Cu, Mo, Sn, S, Tl, В, which are typical for ores of Sadonsky ore field), considerably exceeding of the same elements concentration in background sample № 20/15, but there are no exceeding (in times) of PDK (maximum permit concentration) for drinking water. Based on geochemical data obtained the basic techogenic (Unalskoe industrial waste and water of its “defence” lake, pouring out directly to the Ardon river) and natural (river Archon and, in a lesser degree, river Unal-don) sources of pollution by number of heavy metal and toxic elements. Exceeding (in times) of PDC (maximum permit concentration) in water of the Archon river are revealing for Fe=21; As=1.8; Si=1.1; S=1.2; Ti=1.6; Mn=1.7; Fe=33.3; As=2.5; in water of the Unal-don river for Fe=21; As=1.8 only; in water from “defence” lake, pouring out by a drain tube directly to the Ardon river for Na=15.5; Al=27.5; Si=6.7; S=96; V=5; Fe=1.6; Zn=1.07; As=45644; Pb=22; Mo=14.6; Cd=6.4; Sn=8.4; Sb=5638; W=2.1. For the reduces of large negative load on the water of Ardon river it was propose on the basic techogenic and natural sources of pollution, first for “water” pouring out from “defence” lake directly to Ardon river: to select places for a temporary isolation of channels with producing of necessary volume reservoirs and dispose of cleaning filters as an ionically-exchanging column of different types; revealing forms of migration the basic elements-dirty; to carry out the laboratory tests for extraction of these elements from water by different methods and to elaborate a technology with a complex of methods of successive (or selective) of extraction of oxides of ecologically dangerous and economically important metals.
Keywords: сontents of macro- and minor elements, the surface water, Sadonsky Lead-Zinc Company (SLZC) area of activity, revealing of the basic sources of hydrosphere pollution, exceeding (in times) of PDK (maximum permit concentration), basic sources of water in Ardon river pollution, laboratory tests for extraction of t elements.
1. Gurbanov A.G., Shazzo Yu.K., Leksin A.B., Gazeev V.M. i dr. Promyshlennye otkhody Mizurskoy gorno-obogatitel’noy fabriki Sadonskogo svintsovo-tsinkovogo kombinata: geokhimicheskie osobennosti, otsenka ikh vozdeystviya na ekologicheskuyu obstanovku prilegayushchikh territoriy (pochvy i vodu r. Ardon), Respublika Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya // Vestnik VNTs RAN. T. 12. № 4. S. 27–40.
2. Matveev A.A., Pryanichnikova E.V., Shestakova T.V., Semenov Yu.N. Geokhimicheskaya otsenka vozdeystviya Unal’skogo khvostokhranilishcha Sadonskogo svintsovo-tsinkovogo kombinata (Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya) na okruzhayushchuyu sredu // Izv. sektsii nauk o Zemle RAEN. Vyp. 12. M. 2004. S. 136–147.
3. Pryanichnikova E.V. Otsenka ekologo-geokhimicheskogo sostoyaniya prirodnykh sred v rayone Unal’skogo khvostokhranilishcha SSTsK // 3-ya ekologicheskaya konferentsiya studentov i molodykh uchenykh vuzov g. Moskvy «Okhrana okruzhayushchey sredy na poroge 3-go tysyacheletiya v interesakh ustoychivogo razvitiya». – M. 1999. S. 127–130.
4. Pryanichnikova E.V. Ekologo-geokhimicheskie issledovaniya v gornorudnykh rayonakh (na primere Severnoy Osetii) // Vestnik MGU, ser. 4. Geologiya. № 2 M. 2005. S. 48–54.
Vinokurov S.F., Gurbanov A.G., Bogatikov O.A., Karamurzov B.S., Gazeev V. M.,
Lexin A.B., Shevchenko A.V., Dolov S.M., Dudarov Z.I., Gurbanova O.A. The seasonal variation of macro- and minor elements concentration and forms of its
migration in surface channels at the tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum mining complex
(tvmc) working area and adjacent areas (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, RF)
and action on recovery of ecosystem
Abstract. Geochemical investigation (by methods iCAP-6500 and ICP-MS) of water samples (collected in summer 2014 and in spring 2015 years) from surface channels of river Baksan basin
at the Tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum mining complex (TVMC) working area, the anomalous concentration of large number of macro- and minor elements, a marked exceeding (in times) of PDK (maximum permit concentration) for drinking water. A maximum exceeding (in tens- hundreds times) of PDK was recognized for Mo – up to 11 mgr/l, W – 4.4 mgr/l, As – 1.5 mgr/l, Mn – 8.4 mgr/l, Tl – up to 3.3 minor-gramme/l in a water of Big Mukulansky creek, which is flow over ores quarry of TVMC in a water of 3 small creeks, which are exhausted from basement of pour dam of the super repository №1. Their, in our data obtained, is the main sources of pollution of the Baksan river water. It is proved, that in surface water of the Baksan river basin there are a significance distinction in concentration of macro- and minor elements in a summer and spring periods of year. In the Baksan river water in it outflow on submontane plain, it was adjusted an essential exceeding (in times for drinking water) of PDK (maximum permit concentration) at summer period for the following elements: Al, Fe, Mn, Be, Si, Ti, Tl and Hg. In a water of a small (no flowing) “defence” lake (of it beach part from wind erosion), over above-mentioned elements, it was established the high concentration of Mo, B, Hg, Sb and W, and in water of large (partially flowing) “defence” lake on the surface of super repository №1 only a concentration of As and W exceeding of PDK (in times) for drinking water. In a aqueduct of Bilim and Verchniy Baksan villages the concentration of Li and B, exceeding (in times) of PDK for drinking water, but its source unknown for the present. We are considered, that the anomalous concentration a number of elements in a channels at the Tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum mining complex (TVMC) working area, are predominant connected with a uneven swearing spread of technogenic eolian deposits, which are due to during a long-standing of a mass explosion works on the TVMC quarries. This explosion were created of ups at a height of 1 km a great pow dered “clouds” of a ore bearing rocks (skarns and hornfels), which are spread by wind streams on a distance from first up to tens km. It was established, that migration of elements (except Bi and Y) in a surface water to achieve as the true solutions. As a primary measures for the reduces of large negative load on the environmental agent, including the main water artery of the area - Baksan river it was propose the building tradev of water reservoirs for a creeks, which are draining of quarries, with a series cleaning filters as an ionically-exchanging column of different types is fitted with corresponding a set of mineral pitch.
Keywords:the seasonal variation of macro- and minor elements concentration, forms of minor elements migration, surface channels, the Tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum mining complex (TVMC), adjacent areas, action on recovery of ecosystem, geochemical investigation, water samples, anomalous concentration, exceeding (in times) of PDK (maximum permit concentration), ore quarries, the main sources of water pollution, technogenic eolian deposits, cleaning filters, ionically-exchanging column
1. Bortnikov N.S., Bogatikov O. A., Karamurzov B.S., i dr. // Vestnik Vladikavkazskogo nauchnogo tsentra. , 2013. T. 13. № 3. S. 22–30.
2. Gurbanov A.G., Bogatikov O.A., Karamurzov B.S. i dr. // Izvestiya Kabardino-Balkarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN, g. Nal'chik. 2015, № 1 (63), S. 82–90.
3. Gurbanov A.G., Bogatikov O.A., Vinokurov S.F. i dr. // DAN, 2015, tom 464, №3, s. 328–333.
4. Bogatikov O.A., Bortnikov N.S., Karamurzov B.S. Dokuchaev A.Ya, Gurbanov A.G. Tekhnogennye mestorozhdeniya poleznykh iskopaemykh: osnovnye aspekty na sovremennom etape (na primere Tyrnyauzskogo mestorozhdeniya) // DAN, 2014, tom 456, № 2, s. 213–218.
5. Ivanova S.A., Naumov V.N., Tanskiy I.S., Stepanishchev V.A., Zaytsev V.A., Kuznetsov V.A.. Ochistka podzemnykh vod ot bora metodom elektrokoagulyatsii // Voda: khimiya i ekologiya. 2013. № 10. S. 96–101.
6. Ivanova S.A.. Razrabotka tekhnologii ochistki prirodnykh vod ot soedineniy bora, ammoniya i zheleza. – M., 2015. Kand. dis. 110 s.
7. Tarasova N.P., Ivanova S.A., Naumov V.N., Kuznetsova V.A., Zaytsev V.A.. Ochistka podzemnykh vod ot soedineniy bora // Ekologiya promyshlennogo proizvodstva. 2013. № 1. S. 29–32.
8. Ustroystvo elektrokoagulyatsionnoy ochistki podzemnykh vod ot bora: pat. 143741 Ros. Federatsiya. № 2013153473/05; zayavl. 03.12.2013; opubl. 27.07.2014, Byul. № 21.2 s.
Tortladze L.А., Kashia E.Prospect aquiculture in the mountain districts of Georgia
Abstract. Georgia – rich biological ресурсамиздесь 25,075 large have and little the rivers is length 54,768 kilometres, now in mountain districts quickly the new type of aquiculture develops is a trout in certain stores. Aquiculture can help the decline of scales of poverty in rural mountain districts. Now, trout an economy quickly develops in mountain Adzharia and Джавахети. Little farms steadily develops in the mountain small rivers. In Adzharia during a few past years created 100 farms .They produce 1000 tons commodity fish. There are many reasons impedimental to development of aquiculture: foremost it is not Law on fish industry.
Keywords:aquaculture, trout farming, ichthyopathology, Georgia, Adjara, Javakheti
1. Eastfish. Eastfish Fishery Industry, Georgia.Vol. 16, by G. Nekerashvili, V. Tsuladze& N. Nadiradze.FAO/Eastfish. 1999. 65 pp.
2. Elanidze R. Georgian Soviet Fishery Encyclopaedia. Main scientific redaction, t. 6, pp. 547-548. Tbilisi, 1983 .