Attention of authors
The magazine accepts for science publication and materials from Regional, Russian and International forums (conferences, symposia, seminars, etc), covering the latest advances in various branches of modern science. The articles previously published, as well as accepted for publication in other publishers, are not considered for the publications by the Editorial Board. High scientific level in the article is the determining point for selection of the materials for the publication.
• Title with English translation;
• Text written in Russian and carefully brought out;
• Index of UDC pointed out at the beginning of the article;
• Short annotation to the article (both in Russian and English) 4-8 lines in volume reveals the task, mail results and conclusions;
• Keywords (both in Russian and English) brought in quantity 3-5.
Publishing information about authors should be given for each co-authors of scientific article:
• Full name;
• Degree, academic rank;
• Occupation;
• Place of study and degree classification (PhD, competitioner , PhD student + name of Educational Institute);
• E-mail, office phone number;
Personal contact phone number (preferably mobile), home address and index are necessary for contact and will not be published.
References should be printed in the end of the article mentioning for the article – the author, full title of the article, magazine, year of publication, volume, issue, number of the pages of the beginning and of the end of the article; for the book – full name of the author, city, publisher, year of publication, total number of pages.
References of literature used in the article should be written in square brackets.
Author’s photo should be enclosed to the article (JPEG format).
Totally all information should be not more then 1 page of A4 format.
The articles of volume more than standard mentioned can be accepted as an exception by Editorial Board.
The articles should be sent to the editor by e-mail in WORD format file. Illustrations (photos, drawings, diagrams, charts and maps) should be submitted as separate file in TIF or JPEG format with resolution with at least 300 DPI. The text should contain links to illustrations, should be numbered and accompanied with signatures. The articles should have academic reviews.
The articles accepted to publication undergo their editorial processing, and then the text is sent to the author for proof-reading.
Fee for publications is not charged.
The copyright of the magazine belongs to Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science and Editorial Board.
Address: Russia, 362027, Vladikavkaz, Markusa, 22
Tel.: (8672) 50-18-41
(8672) 50-18-41; fax: (8672) 50-18-41
Head of the editirial: Seliverstova G.P.