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Strakhov N.N. About time

Abstract. Strakhov Nikolai (1828–1896) is a Russian philosopher-slavophile, literary crtitic, corresponding member  of  Petersburg  Academy  of  Science  (1889).  Actual  state  councilor.  He  considered religion to be the highest form of cognition and criticized contemporary materialism as well as
spiritualism;  as  a  publicist  he  shared  the  ideas  of  soil-bound  tradition.  The  author  of  articles about L.N. Tolstoi; the first biographer of F.M. Dostoevsky.
The small tractate “About time”, suggested to the readers of “Vestnic of VNC” is the first  chapter of N.N. Strakhov’s work “About time, number and space”. The work has not been accomplished and was published in the magazine “Russki Vestnik” postmortem (1897, № 1–2).


Gatsalova L.B., Parsieva L.K. Derivational energetics of the words with the formant «fyd-» in ossetian language

Abstract. The article deals with the problems related to peculiarities of using lexical items with an estimated derivative fyd- in Iron and Digor dialects of the Ossetian language. It argues thesis of  efficiency  and  functioning  of  words  with  this  formant  in  oral  folk  art,  fiction  and  political
journalism, and describes some issues of converting prose and poetic texts from one language to another in the process of translation.
Keywords: derivative, Ossetian language, evaluativity, emotive.
1.  Gatsalova  L.B.,  Parsieva  L.K.  Bol’shoy  russko-osetinskiy  slovar’.  –  Vladikavkaz:  IPO SOIGSI, 2011.
2. Gatsalova L.B., Parsieva L.K. Slovoobrazovatel’nyy komponent fyd- kak sredstvo vyrazheniya otritsatel’noy otsenki v osetinskom yazyke // Aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnykh i estestvennykh nauk. M., 2015, № 9–2. S. 66–68.
3.  Iron  alæmæty  arg’’æuttæ  (Osetinskie  volshebnye  skazki)  /  Sostavitel’  D.V.  Sokaeva.  –Vladikavkaz, 2010.
4. Osetinskie novellisticheskie skazki /Sostavitel’ T.A. Khamitsaeva. – Vladikavkaz, 2006.
5. Khuygaty S. Narty Farnæg. – Dzæudzhykh’’æu: Ir, 2005.
6.  Shkuropatskaya  M.G.  Derivatsionnaya  sistemnost’  leksiki  (na  materiale  russkogo  yazyka). Diss….doktora filol. nauk. – Kemerovo, 2004.
7. URLhttp://hetagurov.ru/tvorchestvo/poezia/if/ [Elektronnyy resurs].

Tibilova M.I. On pragmatic aspect of the usage of the abbreviated innovations
in advertising

Abstract. Abstract. The article deals with the functioning of abbreviated innovations in the language of
advertising. It discusses the role abbreviations play in modern advertising, how they are woven
into the fabric of the text and how their functions are appearing.
Keywords:  language  of  advertising,  abbreviation  innovation,  functions  of  abbreviations,
language game.
1.  Biryukova  E.A.  Funktsionirovanie  abbreviatur  v  sovremennoy  rechi:  Avtoref.  dis.  …kand. filol. nauk. – M., 2007. 26 s.
2. Il’yasova S.V., Amiri L.P. Yazykovaya igra v kommunikativnom prostranstve SMI i reklamy. – M.: Flinta, 2009. 296 s.
3.  Kara-Murza  E.S.  «Divnyy  novyy  mir»  rossiyskoy  reklamy:  sotsiokul’turnye,  stilisticheskie  i kul’turnorechevye aspekty // Slovar’ i kul’tura russkoy rechi: k 100-letiyu S.I. Ozhegova. – M.,
2001. S. 164–186. 4.  Kostomarov  V.G.  Nash  yazyk  v  deystvii.  Ocherki  sovremennoy  russkoy  stilistiki.  –  M.: Gardariki, 2005. 287 s.
5.  Ksenzenko  O.  A.  Kak  sozdaetsya  reklamnyy  tekst.  Funktsional’nye  ekspressivnye  aspekty  reklamnogo teksta. – M.: Dialog-MGU, 1998. 168 s.
6. Leychik V.M. Lyudi i slova. – M.: Nauka, 1982. 175 s.
7.  Muradyan  A.  Yu.,  Kolesnichenko  S.  A.  O  nekotorykh  osobennostyakh  yazyka  amerikanskoy reklamy    (Funktsional’noe    ispol’zovanie    slov-slitok)    //    Pragmalingvisticheskie    aspekty  funktsionirovaniya yazyka. – Barnaul, 1983. S. 83–88. Istochniki illyustrativnogo materiala
1. Komsomol’skaya pravda – KP.
2. Moskovskiy komsomolets – MK.
2. Reklama torgovykh firm.
3. Reklama sredstv massovoy informatsii.


Khugaev I.S. Wine and sun: Khadji-Murat Muguev’s memoirs page. Essay «Khutorok»

Abstract. The  unknown  essay  of  Khadji-Murat  Muguev  is  introduced  in  the  literary  and academic  circulation;  general  theoretical  review  of  the  text  and  essential  historical-literary comments are provided.
Keywords:  Muguev,  Bela  Kun,  Eisenstein,  Tisē,  Baron  Stengel,  Turgenev,  Kuprin,  “Wild Tererk”, the Kuban, essay, memoirs, wine.
1. Khugaev I.S. Neizvestnyy Muguev, ili «Svet pogasshey zvezdy» // Dar'yal, 1999. № 2.
2.  Khugaev  I.S.  Zardi  zar:  k  120-letiyu  so  dnya  rozhdeniya  Khadzhi-  Murata  Mugueva  // Dar'yal, 2013. № 5.
3. Khugaev I.S. Realizm i utopiya Khadzhi-Murata Mugueva // Vestnik VNTs, № 3.
4. Muguev Kh-M.M. Khutorok. – Fondy SOMOL (Severo- Osetinskogo muzeya osetinskoy
literatury) im. K.L. Khetagurova. – Fond Kh.-M. Mugueva, st. 3, p. 2, kor.


Chibirov А.L. The Iranian component of the Bosporus kingdom in prof. M. I. Rostovtsev’s works

Abstract. The Bosporus kingdom which was located in Eurasia (V century BC - III century AD)
adjoined  in  the  south  to  Sassanian  Iran,  and  in  the  North  and  the  West  with  iranian-speaking
Scythians  and  Sarmatians.  In  all  the  researches  the  largest  antiquity  scientist M.  I.  Rostovtsev
defended idea of huge influence of the Iranian people on history of the Bosporus kingdom and
considered  it  as  result  of  the  centuries-old  close  cultural  and  historical  relations  of  a  kingdom
with Persia both influential and strong Scythian-Sarmatian world.
Keywords: Rostovtsev. Black Sea Coast. Iran. Scythians. Greeks. Cities colonies Sarmatians.
Bosporus kingdom. Iranization. Idolization.
1. Smirnov K.F. Savromaty. Rannyaya istoriya i kul'tura sarmatov. – M.,1964.S.10.
2. Frolov E.D. Sud'ba uchenogo: Rostovtsev i ego mesto v russkoy nauke ob antichnosti // VDI,
1990,№ 3. S. 1–3.
3. Shevchenko O.K. Tsarskiy kul't na Bospore v nauchnykh razrabotkakh M.I.Rostovtseve // V.I.
Dal'  i  sud'by  russkoy  kul'tury.  Materialy  nauchno-prakticheskoy  konferentsii.  –  Simferopol',
2003. S. 159.
4. Rostovtsev M.I. Antichnaya dekorativnaya zhivopis' na yuge Rossii. – Petrograd, 1914. S. 11. 5. Rostovtsev M.I. Ellinstvo i iranstvo na yuge Rossii. – Petrograd, 1918. S. 170.
6. Rostovtsev M.I. Predstavleniya o monarkhicheskoy vlasti v Skifii i na Bospore // IIAK, 1913. S.
7.  Rostovtsev  M.I.  Iranskiy  konnyy bog  i  yug  Rossii //Iranstvo  i  ellinstvo  na  yuge  Rossii.– Vl., 2012. S. 109.
8. Gerodot. Istoriya.– L., 1972.IV.117.
9.   Sventsitskaya   I.S.   Rol'   chastnykh   soobshchestv   v   obshchestvennoy   zhizni   polisov ellinisticheskogo i rimskogo vremeni // VDI. 1985. № 4. S. 51.
10. Rostovtsev M.I. Bog-vsadnik na yuge Rossii, v Indo-Skifii i v Kitae. – Praga, 1928. S. 201.
11. Puzdrovskiy A.E. Politicheskaya istoriya Krymskoy Skifii // VDI. 2001, № 3. S. 91–117.
12. Khazanov A.M. Zoloto skifov. – M.,1975.
13. Zaytsev Yu.P. Skirul i ego tsarstvo // VDI, 1999, № 2. S. 145.
14. Zhebelev S.A. Narody Severnogo Prichernomor'ya v antichnuyu epokhu // VDI, 1938.
15. Rostovtsev M.I. Scifica. Izbrannye raboty. – SPb, 1993. S. 45–46, 92.
16. Sovetskaya istoricheskaya entsiklopediya. T. 2. – M., 1962. S. 643–644.
17. Smirnov K.F. Savromaty. Rannyaya istoriya i kul'tura sarmatov. – M.,1964. S. 201.
18. Grakov B.N. Skify. – Kiev, 1947.
19. Antichnye istochniki o Severnom Kavkaze. – Nal'chik, 1990. S. 44.
20. Kuznetsov V.A. Alany i Kavkaz. Osetinskaya epopeya obreteniya rodiny. – Vladikavkaz, 2014. S. 48.


Chibirov L.А. The activity of temporary administration on settlement of the ossetian-ingush conflict (1992–1995)

Abstract. The Ossetian-Ingush armed opposition from both parties carried away 504 killed and
854 wounded. For settlement of the conflict in the territory of both republics, the decree of the
Russian President declared an emergency rule and the Temporary administration is created. In
article  activity  of  Temporary  administration  at  the  initial  stage  of  post-conflict  settlement  is
considered: solution of destiny of refugees, displaced persons and related urgent social problems.
Since the beginning of 1995 functions of Temporary administration were transferred to Interim
State committee on elimination of the Ossetian- Georgian conflict.
Keywords: ossetian-ingush conflict, refugees, displaced persons, state of emergency, temporary,
decree, resolution, settlement.
1.  Put'  k  primireniyu.  Obstanovka  v  zone  osetino-ingushskogo  konflikta.  Vyp.2.– Vladikavkaz, 1994.
2.  Demyanenko  V.V.  O  problemakh  finansirovaniya  meropriyatiy  po  likvidatsii  posledstviy osetino-ingushskogo  konflikta  oktyabrya-noyabrya  1992  g.  //  Deyatel'nost'  predstavitel'stva polnomochnogo  predstavitelya  Prezidenta  RF  v  RSO-A  i  RI.Vyp.  6.  –  Vladikavkaz-Nazran', 1999.
3.   Arkhiv   Ministerstva   po   delam   natsional'nostey   RSO-A.   Fond   «Osetino-ingushskie otnosheniya»
4.  Soglashenie  «O  merakh  po  kompleksnomu  resheniyu  problemy  bezhentsev  i  vynuzhdennykh pereselentsev na territoriyakh Ingushskoy Respubliki i Severo-Osetinskoy SSR» ot 20 marta 1993  g.
5. Dokladnaya zapiska Prezidentu RF ministra po delam natsional'nostey i religioznoy politike N.Egorova  ot 15.06.94 g., informatsionnaya zapiska glavy Vremennoy administratsii na chasti territorii RSO i IR V.D. Lozovogo sekretaryu Soveta Bezopasnosti RF O.I. Lobovu ot 30.06.94 g. (sm.:    http://www.memo.ru    Cherez    dva    goda    posle    voyny:    Problema    vynuzhdennykh pereselentsev v zone osetino-ingushskogo konflikta. Razdel 7).
6.  Gazeta  «Severnaya  Osetiya»  ot  9  avgusta  1994  g.  Otkrytoe  pis'mo  Prezidenta  RSO  A. Galazova i Predsedatelya Verkhovnogo Soveta RSO Yu. Biragova vitse-prem'yeru Pravitel'stva RF S.M. Shakhrayu, ministru RF po delam natsional'nostey i regional'noy politike N.D. Egorovu, glave Vremennoy administratsii V.D. Lozovomu.
7. Postanovlenie Soveta Federatsii FS RF «Ob utverzhdenii Ukaza Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 3 oktyabrya 1994 g. № 1970», 7 oktyabrya 1994 g. № 215-1 SF.


Opalko A.I., Bekuzarova S.A. Personality of Gregor Mendel: myths and realities (the 150th anniversary of Mendel’s disclosure of his results of
«Experiments on plant hybrids»)

Abstract. In  order  to  know  the  personality  of  Gregor  Mendel  as  one  of  the  most  outstanding figures of the XІXth century, whose efforts have laid the foundations of a new science of life – genetics,  we  had  to  find  out  the  sources  of  his  formation  and  development.  We’ve  used  the
biographic method of studying an individual way, life experience and the scientific publications  so that to make our investigation. The meaning of some objective and subjective factors which  braked Mendelizm recognition, so as the removal of biological sciences from mathematics and
imperfection of experiment methodology and excitement discussion developed in the biological  science, concerning the book by Charles Darwin «On the origin of species by means of natural  selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life» which had been published
six years earlier; was find out owing to the retrospective analysis of Mendelism history as the  basis of classical genetics. The efforts of an ancient authors so as the attempts of philosophers of  the  Age  of  the  Enlightenment  which  tried  to  discuss  the  facilities  before  Gregor  Mendel  were
observed.  The  reasons  of  Gregor Mendel  and  Mendelism  mythologizing  were  discussed  while  the  odious myths  were  rebutted.  The  individual  aspects  of  Lysenkoism  bad  influence  onto  the  biologiacal science in the  USSR  were  revealed.  Conclusions.  An outstanding  figure  of  Gregor  Mendel have been obtained the greatest significance and attraction; he was really great scientist  – example for imitation for the present and coming generation of scientists. His example became  the more meaningful for the scientists of XXІth century who have been developing the genetics  in the conditions of powerful synergistic researches so as the new ideas, theories and images.
Keywords: Charles Darwin, Green revolution, history of genetics, life sciences, Lysenkoism,
Mendelism, synergistic research.
1. Selye H. From dream to discovery: On being a scientist (History, philosophy and sociology of  science). – N.Y.: Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, 1964. 407 p.
2. Kunakh V.A., Opalko A.І. Mendelіzm yak teoretichna baza poyasnennya yavishcha geterozisu  (do  150-rіchchya  oprilyudnennya  Gregorom  Mendelem  rezul'tatіv  «doslіdіv  nad  roslinnimi  gіbridami»)  //  Genetika  і  selektsіya:  dosyagnennya  ta  problemi:  Tez.  dop.  mіzhnarod.  nauk.
konf., prisv. 110-rіchchyu vіd dnya narod. ... Yu.P. Mіryuti (m. Uman', 18–20 bereznya 2015 r.) /  [Redkol.: O.O. Nepochatenko (vіdp. red.) ta іn.]. – Uman': UNUS, 2015. S. 6–7.
3. Opitz J.M., Bianchi D.W. Mendel: Morphologist and mathematician founder of genetics – to  begin  a  celebration  of  the  2015  sesquicentennial  of  Mendel’s  presentation  in  1865  of  his Versuche 'ber Pflanzenhybriden // Molecular genetics and genomic medicine. 2015. Vol. 3, № 1.  P. 1–7.
4. Samin D.K. 100 velikikh uchenykh. – M.: Veche, 2000. 590 s.
5. Mendel G. Versuche 'ber Pflanzen-Hybriden // Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins zu Br'nn. 1866. Bd. 4. S. 3–47.
6.Volodin B.G. Mendel'. (Vita aeterna). – M.: Molodaya gvardiya, 1968. 256 s.
7.  Darwin  Ch.  On  the  origin  of  species  by  means  of  natural  selection,  or  the  preservation  of  favoured races in the struggle for life. – London: J. Murray, 1859. 502 r.
8.  Kosenko  І.S.,  Opalko  A.І.  Evolyutsіya  roslinnogo  svіtu  v  prirodnomu  і  kul'tigennomu seredovishchі // Vіsnik UTGіS. 2010. T. 8, №1. S. 189–194.
9. Semushkin A.V. Empedokl. – M.: Mysl', 1994. 251 s. 10. Romanets' O.V. Peredіstorіya rozvitku genetiki: svіtoviy kontekst // Nauka і naukoznavstvo.
2010. № 4. S. 48–60.
11. Gippokrat. Izbrannye trudy [Red. V.P. Karpov]. – M.: Biomedgiz, 1936. 736 s.
12. Gaysinovich A.E. Zarozhdenie i razvitie genetiki. – M.: Nauka, 1988. 423 s.
13.    Angelov    G.    Lyudi,    izmenivshie    mir.    –    M.:    LitRes,    2015.    URL:    https://  books.google.com.ua/books?id=fAxrBgAAQBAJ
14.  Kel'reyter  Y.G.  Uchenie  o  pole  i  gibridizatsii  rasteniy  /  Klassiki  estestvoznaniya  [Obshch. red. N.I. Vavilova]. – M.; L.: Sel'khozgiz, 1940. 251 s.
15.  Lunkevich  V.V.  Ot  Geraklita  do  Darvina.  Ocherki  po  istorii  biologii:  [  V  3  t.  M.;  L.:  Biomedgiz, 1936; Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1940–1943]. 1940. T. 2 (XVII–XVIII veka). 414 s.
16.  Savchenko  S.P.,  Opalko  A.І.  Dispersіyniy  analіz:  mozhlivostі  y  obmezhennya  v  analіzі rezul'tativnostі   doboru   //   Evolyutsіya   roslinnogo   svіtu   v   prirodnomu   і   kul'tigennomu  seredovishchі: Zb. tez dop. Mіzhnarod. nauk. konf. «Evolyutsіya roslinnogo svіtu v prirodnomu і
kul'tigennomu  seredovishchі»,  prisvyachenoї  200-rіchchyu  zo  dnya  narodzhennya  Charl'za  Darvіna (20–23 zhovtnya 2009 r.). – Uman': NDP «Sofіїvka» NAN Ukraїni, 2009. S. 116–117.
17.  Kutya  S.A.,  Prokhorova  N.S.  Gregor  Iogann  Mendel'  – osnovopolozhnik  genetiki  (k  190-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) // Ukraїns'kiy medichniy al'manakh. 2012. T. 15, № 6. S. 103–104.
18.  De  Vries  H.  Das  Spaltungsgestetz  der  Bastarde  //  Berichte  der  Deutsche  Botanischen  Gesellschaft. 1900. Bd. 18. S. 83–90.
19. De Vries H. Sur la loi de disjonction des hybrides // Comptes rendus Academie des Sciences (Paris). 1900. Vol. 130. P. 845–847.
20.  Monaghan  F.V.,  Corcos  A.F.  Reexamination  of  the  late  of  Mendel's  paper  //  J.  Heredity. 1987. Vol. 78. P. 116–118.
21. Zhimulev I.F. Obshchaya i molekulyarnaya genetika: Uchebnoe posobie. – Novosibirsk: Izd. Novosib. univer., 2002. Gl. 1. Predmet i istoriya genetiki. S. 1–30.
22. Donnelly S. Did Darwin read Mendel? // QJM. 2009. Vol. 102. P. 587– 589.
23.  Dawkins  R.  The  greatest  show  on  Earth:  The  evidence  for  evolution.  – N.Y.:  Simon  and  Schuster, 2009. 470 p.
24.  Focke  W.O.  Die  Pflanzen-Mischlinge:  ein  Beitrag  zur  Biologie  der  Gewdchse.  — Berlin:  Gebr. Borntraeger, 1881. 569 r.
25. Jenkin H.C.F. The origin of species // North British review. 1867. Vol. 46. P. 277–318.
26.  Dobzhansky  Th.  Genetics  and  the  origin  of  species.  — N.Y.:  Columbia  University  Press, 1937. — 380 r.
27.  Popov  I.Yu.  Poyavlenie  kontseptsii  napravlennoy  evolyutsii  //  Evolyutsionnaya  biologiya: istoriya i teoriya. – SPb: SPbFIIET RAN, 2003. Vyp. 2. S. 155–172.
28. Fisher R.A. Has Mendel's work been rediscovered? // Annals of Science (London). 1936. Vol. 1. P. 115–137.
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31. Glazko V.I, Cheshko V.F. Avgust – 48. Fenomen «proletarskoy nauki» (nauchnoe killerstvo, k istorii sovetskoy genetiki, k fenomenu raspada SSSR): Monografiya. – M.: NEFTiGAZ. 2013. 385 s.
32. Kunakh V.A. Rozvitok genetiki v Natsіonal'nіy akademії nauk Ukraїni. Do 90-rіchchya vіd  chasu zasnuvannya Ukraїns'koї Akademії Nauk / V.A. Kunakh. – Kiїv: Akademperіodika, 2009. 102 s.
33.   Konashev   M.B.   Strasti   po   Feodosiyu,   ili,   kak   i   pochemu   F.G.   Dobrzhanskiy   stal  «nevozvrashchentsem» // Vestnik VOGiS. 2013. № 1. S. 202–209.
34. Morgun V.V., Chuchmiy I.P. Uchitel' i drug // Iosif Abramovich Rapoport – uchenyy, voin, grazhdanin. Ocherki. Vospominaniya. Materialy. – M.: Nauka, 2001. S. 259. 35. Parіy F.M. Yu.P. Mіryuta – vidatniy genetik vavilіvs'koї pleyadi vchenikh (do 110-rіchchya z  dnya narodzhennya) // Genetika і selektsіya: dosyagnennya ta problemi: Tez dop. mіzhnarodnoї naukovoї konferentsії / prisv. 110-rіchchyu vіd dnya narod. ... Yu.P. Mіryuti (m. Uman', 18–20 bereznya 2015 r.) / [Redkol.: O.O. Nepochatenko (vіdp. red.) ta іn.]. – Uman': UNUS, 2015. S. 3–5.
36.  Tіmіryazєv  K.A.  Darvіnіzm  і  selektsіya:  vibranі  stattі  /  [Red.:  V.L.  Komarov].  –  Kiїv;  Kharkіv: Derzhsіl'gospvidav, 1938. 156 s.
37. Bagotskiy S.V. Pyat'desyat let bez Lysenko // Khimiya i zhizn' – KhKhІ vek. 2014. № 9. S. 48–50.
38. Mukhin Yu.I. Prodazhnaya devka Genetika. – M.: Izd. Byctpov, 2006. 416 c.
39.  Opalko  A.I.,  Opalko  O.A.  Anthropoadaptability  of  plants  as  a  basis  component  of  a  new  wave  of  the  “Green  revolution”  //  Biological  systems,  biodiversity,  and  stability  of  plant  communities [Eds. Larissa I. Weisfeld,
40. Anatoly I. Opalko, Nina A. Bome et al.]. – Toronto NJ: Apple Academic Press, 2015. – Part  1: The optimization of interaction anthropogenic changes with natural environmental variability  for sustainable land use. P. 3–17.


Kovalenko N.V., Petrakov D.A., Aleinikov A.A., Aristov K.A., Boyko Ye.S., Drobyshev V.N., Chernomorets S.S. Glaciological monitoring of the Kolka Glacier in 2002–2014

Abstract. In the August 2014 we performed repeated survey of the Kolka Glacier cirque. Our investigation  included ground-based  topographic  survey  (scale  1:5000),  ground  stereo  survey using  calibrated  digital photocamera,  stereo survey  using  unmanned  aircraft  system and  stereo
survey  by  SPOT-6  satellite.  We  compared  and  analyzed  advantages  and  defects  of  the approaches listed above in mountain terrain. Joint use of traditional and innovation techniques allows to create most precise digital elevation models of the glacier surface, assess the rate of the
Kolka Glacier regeneration and verify forecast of events similar to the 2002 disaster. We register accumulation of 30 M m3 in the Kolka Glacier cirque and 800 m advance of the glacier terminus in 2004–2014 despite unfavorable conditions for Caucasus glaciers. Rapid glacier advance is a  unique case for the Caucasus in the 21th century.
Keywords: alpine glaciers, glacier disaster, natural hazards, remote sensing, forecast.
1.  Vas'kov  I.M.,  Valiev  A.L.  Ledniki  Kolka  i  Mayli  segodnya  //  Vestn.  Vladikavkaz.  nauch. tsentra, 2010, t. 10, № 1, s. 29–33.
2.   Kortiev   L.I.,   Kortieva   V.L.,   Chochiev   S.V.   Analiz   sotsial'nogo,   ekologicheskogo i ekonomicheskogo ushcherba ot razrusheniy lednika Kolka // Vestn. Vladikavkaz. nauch. tsentra, 2009, t. 9, № 3, s. 41–42.
3.  Kotlyakov  V.M.,  Rototaeva  O.V.,  Nosenko  G.A.,  Desinov  L.V.,  Osokin  N.I.,  Chernov  R.A.  Karmadonskaya  katastrofa:  chto  sluchilos'  i  chego  zhdat'  dal'she.  –  M.:  Izdatel'skiy  dom «Kodeks», 2014. 184 s.
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massif  are  provided  for  the  first  time.  Complexes  of  stone  glaciers  of  this  area  are  sources  of clear sweet water.
Keywords:  Caucasus,  Kazbek-Dzhimaray  massif,  glaciers,  stone  glaciers,  degradation  of  a freezing.
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Dzidzoev V.D. Review of the book by V.A. Astalova and I.S. Hamurzaeva «The museum network of the Chechen Republic in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century»


International conference «The Caucasus throughout centuries: aspects and conditionalities of the region diversity»